Page 26 - WP_005_Alon_En_WEB_2023_Neat
P. 26

Accelerating Gender Equality in
the Israeli Political Arena

In regards to gender, recent           Consequently, WePower has
municipal elections in Israel ended    been developing an accelerative
on a high note. The number of          process that will bring significant
female mayors grew by 2.5 and          change to local government in the
the number of council women            upcoming 2023 local elections.
by 35%. Moreover, the number           These efforts will create a
of councils with no female             significant increase in the number
representation went to down to         of female elected officials and in
78, compared to 98 in the previous     the number of women in decision
elections (there are 256 councils      making positions.
in Israel in total). However, in       To support this process, we have
spite of these improvements we         held a number of round tables
are still far from our goal, which is  with various parties, people of
fully equal, 50/50 representation.     interest and experts on local
We are, therefore, still searching     government. Together we have
for various means by which to          developed a multifaceted plan
catapult our efforts and attain        that will develop different aspects
our goals.                             simultaneously.

                                       Women Mayors

     Changing Public Awareness                Identifying Potential
                                               women candidates
    Leading legislative processes
        Fieldwork – identifying                    Training and
          and training women                   mentoring platform
                                       In preparation for the elections –
Work with women council members        assisting in consulting services
   in order to keep them in office
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