Page 31 - WP_005_Alon_En_WEB_2023_Neat
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Nira Shpak

Kibbutz Kfar Aza

An IDF veteran who for 26             of Sha’ar Hanegev” regional
years served in a variety of high     council.”
command and training roles and        Nira says:
in positions women have never         “As I have been trained for
served before, reaching the rank      action and leadership, I see
of Colonel.                           myself developing and taking on
Since her military career Nira        key roles in the public service
served as a company’s CEO,            alongside social activism aimed
Senior Advisor to the Director        at bringing about collaboration
General of the Home Front             between the different sectors of
Defense Ministry, a BOD member        Israeli society and emphasizing
at the Rabin Center and a social      integration of women, equality of
activist.                             opportunity and the creation of
Nira has a BA in Social Sciences      an egalitarian society”.
and Logistics and an MA in Public
Administration and Policy.
Nira is married with three children.
As a graduate of WePower’s
“College for Politics” Nira states:
“I discovered a nurturing
organization designed to provide
theoretical and practical tools
which focus on the achievement
and advancement of women”.
As a graduate of the College for
Politics I received practical tools
and mentoring which, added to
my other skills, has led me to
the decision to run for Mayor

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