Page 3 - WP_005_Alon_En_WEB_2023_Neat
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Dr. Adv. Orit Rishpi Lavi,
Chairperson and

50% women in decision making         achieve today and tomorrow.
positions by 2030 and we are         We accelerate and we fine-tune
done.                                our contents and messages.
Gender equality is the goal. It has  WEPOWER provides updated
been our goal at WEPOWER             state- of- the -art training
ever since we took off more          putting forwards the latest
than 20 years ago.                   notions and standards for
All we want is equal representation  leadership positions, public and
for the feminine half of the         business.
world population.                    As part of the contents we
WEPOWER is working hard              share with our communities is
towards making gender equality       the need for sustainability, for
happen, and we are short for         environmental responsibility,
time.                                for social awareness and
It took some 100 years to get        responsibility and for good
to where we are today – but for      corporate governance in any
the rest of the journey we are       context we aim for.
not planning another 100 years       Our community, our trainees,
of struggles and slow progress.      our partners, we all incorporate
2022 is the year for acceleration,   ESG (environment, Social,
for putting our foot down            governance) into the mission,
and reminding ourselves and          the goals, the tools, the
everybody around – the 3rd           norms and mission, relevant
millennium is the feminine           and responsible everyday
millennium. We close the gaps        everywhere.
here and now.                        So, let’s accelerate together for
So we are pushing to move            50:50 by 2030.
forwards. We accelerate.
We accelerate by setting clear
ambitious goals, targets to

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