Page 4 - WP_005_Alon_En_WEB_2023_Neat
P. 4

A Word from Our
Executive Director

My name is Mazal Shaul, Dr.          one woman among ten fellow
Mazal Shaul.                         men. Only when I took office as
For over 20 years, I worked          WePower’s Executive Director
in senior positions in the           did I fully comprehend the depth
Chemical and Medical                 of the gender gap in Israel and
Industries in Israel. As deputy      the lack of equal representation
director of manufacturing and        in decision-making positions,
development in those fields,         especially key positions
I never experienced gender           in the public and political
discrimination.                      arenas. I immediately became
I always served in senior            a gatekeeper and activist
positions, lead and could stand      for gender equality. Today, I
for my rights.                       understand the importance of
I grew up in an “equal home”,        my position as a model for other
where my mother developed            women, and I work to narrow
a career as a senior nurse and       the gender gap in my city, Azor,
was my true role model. It was       in the center of Israel.
my father who spent hours with       I am proud to lead WePower,
the children after school, and       inspire women and train them,
attended teachers’ conferences.      advance laws for gender
In due time, I also built an “equal  equality and speed up change
home” of my own.                     in the coming years for women
And in the same spirit and way,      and girls.
I work today in my third term
as a Council Member in my
community. While fulfilling my
duties as a Council Member in
my Local Council, I first didn’t
give particular attention or
importance to the fact that I am

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