Page 6 - SDP
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e envision the Isabela the same aspirations and aligns its
State University as one of programs and projects consistent to
Wthe leading research uni- the regional and national directions.
versities in the country and in the The 2019-2024 Strategic Devel-
ASEAN Region by 2024, compara- opment Plan is designed to address
ble to the best universities in Asia. four key priority areas: (1) Quality
Thus, we are setting our sights into and Relevant Academic Programs;
that direction. (2) Research and Development; (3)
In our effort to sustain and fur- Extension and Training Advisory
ther improve our past achievements, Services; and (4) Management of
we crafted the new Strategic Develop- Resources.
ment Plan for the Isabela State Uni- The Plan is the product of a
versity, thereby defining the opera- series of consultations and work-
tional blueprint that will serve as our shops spanning close to a year in
guide in venturing new horizons. the process, which was participat-
The recent development plans ed in by all key University officials,
of the regional and national govern- faculty, staff, students, and all other
ments, on the other hand, have em- stakeholders, with one foremost
barked on aggressive programs of agenda in mind: to generate a strate-
action aimed at spurring the growth gic doable plan that will deliver and
and improvements of the country in provide the best education services
general. Not to be outdone are those for the development, welfare, and
that concern educational services benefit of our clients.
as embedded through its Result Ma-
trices (RMs) that serve as pillars in
accelerating human capital develop-
ment. The University will also pursue
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