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                      he Isabela State University currently stands as the premier Higher Education Institu-
                      tion in Region 02, and accordingly, it is indisputably regarded as one of the top State
               TUniversities and Colleges (SUCs) in the country. With its growing prestige, it is now
               zeroing in on its emerging international presence.

                         Notwithstanding this competitive        of revenue management generation that
               stature, it will strive not to allow any room for  is sustainable, self-reliant and stable. The
               complacency. Its dream to further improve         University enjoys the advantage of having
               its key result operations and be at all times     vast tracts of land which is committed to
               distinguished for excellence, quality, and        harness them in full swing. In this regard,
               relevance are deep-seated. It endeavors to be     we will consider commercial and or indus-
               at par with the best universities. Thus, to be    trial utilization opportunities of idle swaths
               fully empowered to permeate through glo-          of land to boost our revenues and hopefully
               balized landscape. These are the reasons why  such revenues will progressively increase
               it continues to evolve and reinvent its short-    under the aforementioned resource plan.
               term plans and to pave the way towards its        The generated revenues will be utilized
               desires and aspirations.                          to improve, and modernize our physical
                         It is indeed paramount for ISU to       structures and other learning facilities.
               recalibrate its strategic directions. Foremost,             These are some of the major thrusts
               it will escalate its university status, to meet   that the University will embark on within
               international standards in all our educational    the ambit of the 2019-2024 short term
               pursuits. It therefore incumbent upon us to       Development Program.
               inspect and upgrade the quality of our phys-                    We prudently plan, and meticu-
               ical structures, equipment, amenities, and        lously and judiciously choose our strategic
               interconnectivity.                                goals to effectively and efficiently deploy
                       We will also institute rationalization    appropriated resources in order to produce
               of our academic programs in line with our         the results which we can be proud of and
               core values on quality and relevant academic      significantly add value to the university in
               programs. Particular initiatives will be the      general.
               establishments of Doctor of Medicine (M.D.),                 Although, the tasks ahead are in-
               Doctor of Dental Medicine programs (DMD),         deed enormous, stakeholders’ expectations
               and Lexicon IP, an innovative model on entre-     and parameters of standard are getting
               preneurship.                                      higher, we, at the Isabela State University,
                         The Research and Development            wielding an immovable commitment, per-
               (R&D) of the University, on the other hand,       severance and desire for quality, excellence
               has made its reputation as an exemplary           and relevance, will navigate the next five
               Research institution in the regional, national,   years, through a myriad of opportunities
               and international levels. We will continue to     and challenges, including economic and
               fortify and expand our research base by tak-      political, enabling us to achieve our aspi-
               ing advantage of this recognized position.        rations: to provide quality education; to
                       We will embody quality leadership         employ state-of-the-art learning facilities
               with utmost integrity, transparency, stabili-     for our students; and to further unlock
               ty, maturity, goodwill, respect, and harmony      breakthroughs ; and  to be recognized as
               as an empowered organization manned by            one  of the leading research universities
               responsive and responsible frontline service      in the country and in the Southeast Asian
               providers.                                        Region.
                         Moreover, we intend to capitalize on
               our expansive assets through corporate-style

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