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following: republicans are racists, democrats are stupid, religion-
based parties are hypocritical, and all democrats support “the
working man”.
3. Gender Stereotypes
Men are stereotyped in this way because of the way they are
portrayed in the media, which strongly implies that they are
powerful, daring, and active. However, the way women are
portrayed implies that they are adept at taking care of their
appearance and handling house chores, and these characteristics
ultimately lead to stereotypes of them.
Gender stereotypes include things like; “men are macho,” “women are
good cooks,” “men are strong, adventurous, and brave,” and “women
run the house and men handle the finances.”
C. Positives and Negatives Effect of Stereotypes
1. Positive Effects:
a. Cognitive Efficiency:
Stereotypes can serve as mental shortcuts,
helping individuals process information more
efficiently. Instead of evaluating each person or
situation independently, people may rely on
stereotypes to make quick judgments. This can be
beneficial in situations where time and cognitive
resources are limited.