P. 9
Unit 7 Culture Shock
Unit 8 Family Values
Unit 9 Manners
3. Chapter Division
Each chapter in this book consists of three parts, namely:
1. Learning Objectives:
Describing what learners will achieve in each unit. These objectives
provide an overview of the knowledge and skills expected to be
acquired by students after completing each unit.
2. Material/Discussion:
Containing the material and concepts that are the focus of discussion
in each unit. This section provides in-depth understanding of the topic
being studied, supporting the achievement of learning objectives.
3. World Wide Islamic Culture:
Explaining Islamic cultures in a specific country. This section provides
insights into the diversity of Islamic cultures around the world,
enriching students' understanding of the global context of Islamic
teachings and practices.
4. Reflection:
Aiming to assess the extent of students' understanding of the material
learned. This section provides an opportunity for students to reflect on
and evaluate their learning, reinforcing the understanding and skills
gained during the learning process.
B. Introduction
Cross-cultural understanding involves the study and practice of
communication and culture as two main variables. From a communication
science perspective, cross-cultural communication emphasizes the