Page 25 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
P. 25

Agricultural Government – 406110, 406141              Agriculture Leadership – 407500, 407541, 407510
                   5 credits                Grade 12                     10  Credits                             Grades(s) 11-12
                            Semester Course                                        1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 a                        School Sites             BCHS, LHS
               CSU Requirement            Government              Description:  The purpose of this course is to develop
                 School Site(s)           BCHS, THS               professional and  personal  leadership skills as they
            Description:  The twelfth grade course of study focuses   relate to the individual,  agriculture, and the FFA.
            on the structure and processes  of the United  States   Students will be involved  in personal growth through
            Government System.  Initial emphasis  will be on the   activities such as public speaking, team building, and
            responsibilities and rights of citizenship, voting,   the organization of various FFA Activities.  In addition,
            political parties, elections, campaigns, the Constitution,   students will assist with the completion of FFA Award
            the branches of government, and the  Bill of Rights.    Applications, video production, and two  newsletters to
            Additionally, the course will compare the political   enhance student’s writing  and computer skills.  The
            power at the local, state, national, and global levels.  A   curriculum  will revolve around five  central themes:
            consistent focus throughout the course will be an     Foundations, Attitude, Self-Image, Relationships, and
            analysis of the role that both the government and the   Goal Setting.  Each student should participate  in a
            voters play in developing policies and laws affecting the   minimum of  3 FFA sponsored activities  per semester
            Agriculture Industry.  This course meets the state    outside of class time.  This may vary by site.
            government graduation requirement.
                                                                  Agriscience  Systems Management  – 407400, 407410,
            Agricultural Mechanics 1 – 403041, 403000             407441
                 10 Credits                                       Agriscience Systems Management Honors - 407412
               1 Year Course             Earn College                10 Credits                                     Grade(s) 11-12
                Grade(s) 9-12               Units                                  1 Year Course
                School Site(s)         BCHS, LHS, THS                 UC Requirement                 d
            Description:  This course is on an introduction to the      School Sites               LHS
            area of agricultural mechanics including basic drawing,   Description:   This integrated class combines an
            woodworking, metal working, welding,  small engines   interdisciplinary approach  to laboratory science and
            and farm power.  Emphasis is placed upon the safe and   research with agricultural management principles.
            proper use of power tools, and the proper care,       Using skills  and principles learned in the course,
            sharpening and use of hand tools.  This course prepares   students design systems and experiments to solve
            students for the more advanced skills necessary to be   agricultural  management issues currently facing the
            successful in Advanced Agriculture Mechanics.  Project   industry.  Additionally, students will connect the
            work is part of the course.    To earn 15 College units   products created in this class with industry activities to
            students must:                                        link real world encounters and implement skills
                  Take this course AND                           demanded  by both colleges and careers.  The course
                                                                  culminates with an agriscience experimental research
                  Take Intro Ag Mechanics, And                   project in which students design and conduct an
                  Earn a Grade B or better in both courses
            Please see pages 10 - 12.                             experiment to solve a relevant issue.

            Agricultural Mechanics 3 - 403080                     Agriculture Woodshop - 407141, 407100, 407110
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12              10 Credits                                       Grade(s) 9-12
                             1 Year Course                                         1 Year Course
                                                                        School Sites
                                                                                                 BCHS, THS
                 School Site(s)         BCHS, LHS, THS            Description Agriculture Woodshop will be centered on
            Description:  This course includes Arc and acetylene gas   the hands-on application  of woodworking skills, tool
            welding, including theory and practical welding, oxy-  identification, material  selection, project layout  and
            acetylene cutting and metal preparation, and farm and   construction.   This course  covers basic  hand tool  and
            power equipment maintenance.  There is also a review   machine operations in the wood/carpentry shop.  Shop
            of the safe operation of hand and power tools.  The class   and machine safety and prioritized.  Students will learn
            provides advanced instruction in the repair and       the operation of radial arm saws, jointer, table saw,
            maintenance of machinery.  A second year of this class   band saw, jigsaw, drill press, sanders, lathe, hand tools,
            will prepare students to construct large pieces of    and portable power tools.  Coursework consists of
            machinery.   Personalized  individual projects are a   required projects aimed at  principles of construction,
            major component of the course.  This course may be    joints, assembly, gluing, clamping, and finish; as well as
            repeated for credit with instructor approval.         the design and construction of the student’s own

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