Page 26 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
P. 26

Agriculture Woodshop 2 – 407700, 407710, 407741       Ornamental Horticulture/Landscaping – 405472
                10 Credits                                  Grade(s) 10-12             10 Credits
                             1 Year Course                           1 Year Course             Earn College
               School Site(s)           BCHS, THS                                                 Units
            Description:  Agriculture  Woodshop will be a second     Grade(s) 10-12
            year course for student interested in  woodworking       School Site             BCHS, LHS, THS
            practices.  Students will  use  the skills developed  in
            Introduction to Agriculture Woodshop to further master   Description:  This course is the study of propagation,
            woodworking practices and apply them to  large          growth and care of plants used for landscaping,
            projects.  Students will continue to learn construction   indoor use and the floriculture industry.   The class
            practices and project fabrication and design.           covers materials in plant science including:  cells and
                                                                    functions of the cell, tissues, plant physiology, sexual
            Environmental and Spatial Technology (EAST) –           and asexual reproduction, nutrition, genetics,
            409872                                                  disease/control and cures, moisture management,
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12             plant dichotomy and classification.  Safety and the
                             1 Year Course                          use of common agriculture equipment and chemicals
                 School Site(s)              LHS                    are also covered.  Class time is spent in the
                                                                    greenhouse and areas to be landscaped.  Membership
            Description:  EAST (Environmental and Spatial           in the FFA club is encouraged and participation in
            Technology)  Lab is a two-semester course in which      FFA activities is an integral part of the curriculum.
            students will use state of the art computer hardware    Grade B or  better qualified for  college credit (see
            and software tools to engage in a project-based         pages 10-11).  Course can be repeated for credit.  This
            approach to problem solving.  After learning how to use   course may be used to fulfill 10 credits of the life
            the needed tools and appreciating capabilities, students   science graduation requirement.
            will work independently and in teams  to solve real
            world problems.  Such problems may involve students
            in one or more of the following areas:  office automation,                AVID
            computer-aided design, 3-D modeling, engineering
            design, surveying and, mapping (including working     AVID 9 – 215600
            with   global  positioning  systems),  geographic            10 Credits              Grade(s) 9
            information systems, Visual Basic programming,                         1 Year Course
            database applications, web page design, digital            School Site(s)        BCHS, LHS, MHS,
            photo/video editing, and visualization applications.                                MCHS, THS
                                                                  Description:  AVID elective courses at all grade levels
            Art & History of Floral Design 1 & 2 – 405575         are designed to prepare  students, in  an academic
            10 Credits                    Grades 10-12            context, for  entrance into four year colleges, with
            UC Requirement                     f                  emphasis on analytical writing, preparation for college
            CSU Requirement                  VAPA                 entrance and placement exams, college study skills and
            Location:  BCHS, LHS, THS                             test taking, oral language development, note taking,
              Description:  This course acquaints students with   and research.  The AVID course features tutors and
              theories and  principles of  artistic design and the   college students, who lead discussions and analysis of
              influence of floral artistry.  The course emphasizes   the academic subjects in which the  students are
              the necessary knowledge and  skills to provide  the   enrolled.  Recommended Pathway:  Students are
              student with a perceptual base leading to students   identified for participation in this course.
              understanding  artistic  perception,  creative        AVID 10 – 215700
              expression,  historical  and  cultural  context(s);        10 Credits              Grade(s) 10
              aesthetic valuing and connections, relations  and                    1 Year Course
              application of visual arts.   Through practical skill    School Site(s)        BCHS, LHS, MCHS,
              development the student will become familiar with                                  MHS, THS
              materials, tools, design mechanics, maintenance and   Description:  AVID elective courses at all grade levels
              design evaluation.  Students will achieve this through
              creating, designing, identifying, explaining and    are designed to prepare students in an academic
              evaluating topics of study.  Course may be repeated   context, for  entrance into four year colleges, with
              for credit.                                         emphasis on analytical writing, preparation for college
                                                                  entrance and placement exams, college study skills and

                                                                  test taking, oral language development, note taking,
                                                                  and research.  The AVID course features tutors and
                                                                  college students, who lead discussions and analysis of
                                                                  the academic subjects in which the  students are
                                                                  enrolled.  Students continue to refine their skills in
                                                                  academic strategies for success, writing, inquiry,
                                                                  collaboration,  and    college/career  research.

                                                                  Recommended pathway: 9  grade AVID.
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