Page 58 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
P. 58

Spanish for Native Speakers 2 – 222515                are reviewed and/or introduced as needed. This class is
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12           conducted entirely in Japanese.
                             1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 e                    Japanese 4 - 221715
               CSU Requirement           World Language                10 credits                            Grade(s) 11S-12
                                                                                   1 Year Course
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, MHS, THS              UC Requirement                 e
            Description:   This course is conducted entirely in      CSU Requirement           World Language
            Spanish.   It  is designed to develop advanced Spanish   School Site(s)                 THS
            language skills and critical thinking through the     Description:  This course will be conducted primarily in
            reading of a variety of literary selections.  Students will   Japanese and is designed  to develop skills  through
            write in a variety of modes and will engage in formal   discussions, presentations, projects, videos, and plays.
            and informal discussions and conversations.  Students   Students will improve the ability to effectively
            will practice listening comprehension  and work on    communicate in Japanese and will gain a  deeper
            vocabulary development.  Cultural and historical      understanding of Japanese culture.
            aspects will be explored in order to enhance students’
            awareness of the Hispanic and global community.  This
            course will help prepare students for the AP Spanish
            Exam.  This course is comparable to college and
            university courses that focus on writing and speaking in
            Spanish at an advanced level.

            Japanese 1 – 221610
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12
                              1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 e
               CSU Requirement           World Language
                 School Site(s)               THS
            Description:  This class is designed to give the student
            immediately useful language skills. This course focuses
            on oral language and the reading and writing of basic
            Japanese characters.  Communication skills are taught
            through meaningful interaction among students,
            activities and games.  Students are introduced to the
            Japanese-speaking culture  through videos, games and

            Japanese 2 – 221615
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12
                              1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 e
               CSU Requirement           World Language
                 School Site(s)               THS
            Description:  Japanese II continues with the ideas
            emphasized in Japanese I. Students work more on
            reading, writing, and listening skills based on new
            vocabulary  and  language  structures.  Students
            experience the language itself and Japanese-speaking
            cultures through music,  projects, and games, plus
            through visual reinforcement such as slides and videos.
            This class is conducted in Japanese.

            Japanese 3 – 221710
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12
                              1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 e
               CSU Requirement           World Language
                 School Site(s)               THS
            Description:   Students work on communication and
            writing skills through  discussions,  presentations,
            projects, videos, plays,  and literature. Japanese
            literature, history and current events are used as  a
            basis for practicing these  skills. Language structures
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