Page 55 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
P. 55

Stage Production/ Play Production – 290010            Dance 2:  Dance Choreography – 235010
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12                  10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12
                             1 Year Course                                          1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 f                      UC Requirement                 f
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                    CSU Requirement               VAPA
                 School Site(s)         BCHS, MHS, THS                 School Site(s)               THS
            Description:  This course is an exploration and practical   Description:  Further study of dance styles and research
            usage of theatre technology and play production.      in movement  to design for  class and performance are
            Students  are involved in one or more of the following   mandatory for a passing grade. All extracurricular and
            aspects of  theatre: set design and construction, make-  work schedules need to be rearranged to meet rehearsal
            up, properties management, stage  management,         and performance requirements.  Jazz shoes are
            technical theatre including  lights and  sound, costume   required.  Recommended pathway:   successful
            design and performance.                               completion of
                                                                  Dance 1
            Children’s Theatre - 291510
                  10 Credits                           Grade(s) 9-12  Dance 3:  Dance Performance and Production – 235200
                             1 Year Course                               10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12
                 School Site(s)              BCHS                                   1 Year Course
            Description:  This course will build on and develop more   CSU Requirement             VAPA
            in-depth skills from Theatre  Arts 1, including theatre    School Site(s)               THS
            games and exercises, improvisation, pantomime, acting,   Description:  This course promotes advance dance skill
            and playwriting, all focused on performing for children.    in style and design. Students work on  production of
            We will also practice puppetry, storytelling, making   shows,  e.g.  programs,  stage  setting,  flyers,
            masks, costuming, set construction, makeup, and even   announcements, lighting, and sound design. All
            technical theatre.  Ultimately, these skills will help   extracurricular and work schedules need to be
            students to design, direct, produce, and run Children’s   rearranged to meet rehearsal  and performance
            Theatre productions to  be  performed for the students   requirements.
            and families of the Lodi Unified School District.
                                                                             WORLD LANGUAGE
            Performing Arts Teacher Assistant – 291496
                   5 Credits             Grade(s) 10-12
                            Semester Course                       French 1 – 220410
                 School Site(s)       BCHS, LHS (Gr. 11-12)              10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12
            Minimum GPA required at all sites.                                      1 Year Course
            Description:  With experience from the theater/music/or   UC Requirement                 e
            dance programs student will be able to provide teacher   CSU Requirement           World Language
            with assistance in peer cooperative groupings, clerical    School Site(s)          LHS, MHS, THS
            and technical aid, and  will acquire a clearer
            understanding as to the responsibilities of the art.   Description:   This course is conducted partially in
                                                                  French and is designed to develop basic listening,
            Performing Arts Tutor  – 291497                       speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary
                   5 Credits             Grade(s) 11-12           skills.   Students will be  introduced to social, cultural,
                            Semester Course                       and historical aspects of  Francophone communities.
                 School Site(s)           BCHS, LHS               This course will begin students’ preparation for the AP
            Minimum GPA required for all sites.                   French Language Exam.
            Description: Student  with high standards and
            accomplishment in the art form will provide tutoring   French 2 – 220415
            during and/or after class  for students needing extra        10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12
            help in becoming successful in the  class.  This                        1 Year Course
            Performing Arts Tutor will also provide peer learning in   UC Requirement                e
            the rudiments of the  art form, ex. leading class
            discussion, teaching a skill, and performing when        CSU Requirement           World Language
            needed.                                                    School Site(s)         LHS, MHS, THS
                                                                  Description:  This course is conducted mostly in French
            Dance 1:  Dance I – 235510                            and is designed to develop intermediate listening,
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12           speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary
                              1 Year Course                       skills.  Students will be exposed to social, cultural, and
                 School Site(s)               THS                 historical aspects of Francophone communities.  This
            Description:  Students are introduced to eight different   course will further students’ preparation for the AP
            styles of dance including ballet,  modern interpretive,   French Language Exam.
            jazz, tap, musical theatre, hip hop, ethnic and ballroom.
            The emphasis in this class is on performance.  Lectures
            and student created portfolios will focus on the history
            and importance of each dance style.  Students are
            required to have dance shoes.

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