Page 52 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
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variety of approaches of  representation, abstraction,   Photography 1 – 280510
            and expression are covered.  This course meets the           10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12
            graduation requirement and the UC and CSU Visual                        1 Year Course
            and Performing Arts requirement.                          UC Requirement                 f
                                                                     CSU Requirement               VAPA
            AP Studio Art 3D Design Portfolio - 285416                 School Site(s)           BCHS, LHS
                  10 Credits        Grade(s) 10 – 12                                       MHS (9 -12.), THS (9-12)
                             1 Year Course                        Description:  This course concentrates on the production
                UC Requirement                 f                  of high-quality, black and white photography, with an
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                 emphasis on exhibition work. Film developing,
                                                                  enlarging, darkroom procedures, camera usage, lighting
                 School Site(s)              MHS                  techniques,  and other technical information are
            Description:  This is a 3-D Design class for the serious   presented through lecture, demonstration, and student
            art student.  The Advanced Placement Art Program is   activities.
            designed for students with a strong art background who
            seek the challenge of a college-level course.         Photography 3 – 280515
                                                                         10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12
            Ceramics 1 – 280010                                                    1 Year Course
                   10 Credits             Grade(s)  9-12              UC Requirement                 f
                              1 Year Course                          CSU Requirement               VAPA
                UC Requirement                 f                       School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS (Gr. 11-12),
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                                                MHS, THS
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, IHS, LHS, MHS,         Description:   Students in Advanced Photography
                                              THS                 continue to explore and improve upon the techniques
            Description:  This course  introduces clay work.      learned in Introduction to Photography. There is an
            Students   make projects using pinch, coil, slab,     increased opportunity to pursue special projects  and
            sculpture techniques, and the potter’s wheel. Creative   alternative processes, including both silver-based
            expression is developed  through the  study of art    photography and digital imaging.  This course may be
            techniques and traditions of various cultures. Ceramics   repeated for additional credit.
            intro may not be repeated for credit.                 Recommended pathway:  Successful completion
                                                                  of Introduction to Photography.
            Ceramics 3 - 280015
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12           Graphic Design 1 - 285510
                              1 Year Course                              10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12
                UC Requirement                 f                                   1 Year Course
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                     UC Requirement                 f
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, IHS, LHS, MHS,            CSU Requirement               VAPA
                                              THS                      School Site(s)       BCHS, LHS (10-12 Gr.
            Description:  Ceramics  advanced  provides  the                                   Only), MHS, THS
            opportunity  and direction to pursue  a variety of    Description:  This course is a beginning level computer
            complex wheel thrown and hand built projects. Greater   art  and   design  class.  Students study  computer
            exploration of surface techniques is included. The    painting and drawing techniques, color theory,
            cultural/historical  aspects  of  ceramic  art  are   composition, typography and digital imaging.  Students
            incorporated throughout the course. This course may be   produce posters, package designs, brochures, ads  and
            repeated for additional credit.                       logos.  Website design and basic animation techniques
            Recommended pathway:  Successful completion of        may be covered in the second semester.
            Ceramics Introduction.

            Sculpture 1 – 281210                                  Graphic Design 3 - 285515
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12                10 credits                                 Grade(s) 10-12
                             1 Year Course                                         1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 f                       School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS Gr. (11-12),
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                                                  MHS
                 School Site(s)        BCHS (10-12), MHS          Description:  This course is an advanced level computer
            Description:   This course is an introduction to design   art and design class.  Students build on what was
            and sculptural techniques to create three-dimensional   learned in Beginning Graphic Design 1 and extend their
            art forms. Students explore a variety of 3-D art forms   knowledge of color theory, composition, typography and
            and use numerous materials to create finished artwork.   computer painting and drawing techniques.  Projects
            Art history is incorporated as a point of influence for   include posters, package  designs, logos, ads and
            the students work. Adherence to safety procedures is a   brochures which may have direct job applications.  Web
            requirement due to equipment, materials, and freedom   design and animation may be included.
            necessary in the classroom. This course may not be    Instructor approval recommended or “C” or better.  See
            repeated for credit.                                  CTE for more graphic design courses.
            Recommended pathway: Approval of instructor or
            introduction to Art.
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