Page 54 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
P. 54

Jazz Ensemble – 230110                                Theatre Arts 1 – 291110
                   15 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12                  10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12
                              1 Year Course                                         1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 f                      UC Requirement                 f
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                    CSU Requirement               VAPA
                 School Site(s)         BCHS, LHS, THS                 School Site(s)      MHS, THS, BCHS, LHS
            Description:  This is primarily a performing          Description:  This course introduces students to  all
                                                                  aspects of theatre production. Students study acting
            organization.  Emphasis is placed on performing a     techniques, improvisation,  storytelling, pantomime,
            variety of standard jazz styles, applying music theory in   dramatization, and characterization, as well as writing
            jazz performance and  improvisation.   Attendance and   simple play  scripts, studying literature of the theatre,
            participation at all rehearsals, and performances,  is   history and play production.  Students are expected to
            mandatory.     Concurrent  enrollment in Symphonic    participate in all class projects on an on-going basis.
            Band, Wind Ensemble, or Orchestra is required.  This   Students are required to see one play per quarter.
            class may be repeated for credit.
                                                                  Theatre Arts 2 – 291210
            Orchestra – 230310                                           10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12                             1 Year Course
                              1 Year Course                           UC Requirement                 f
                UC Requirement                 f                     CSU Requirement               VAPA
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                      School Site(s)         MHS, LHS, THS,
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, MHS, THS          Description: This course emphasizes  advanced acting
            Description:  This course is devoted  primarily to    techniques, theatre history,  theatre careers, and play
            learning and performing folk, popular,  and classical   production. Students are  given the opportunity to
            music for string ensembles. Students  build technical   collaborate with other students in the development of
            skills and  musical awareness that  apply to the      dialogue and movement, and study the basic principles
            literature. The orchestra performs at concerts, music   of  theatre  direction:  director’s  intent,  script
            festivals,  civic  functions,  etc.  Attendance  and  interpretation, various styles represented by a wide
            participation at all rehearsals,  and performances is   range of ethnically diverse  playwrights; and dramatic
            strongly encouraged.  This class may  be repeated for   and literary analysis. The course emphasizes play
            credit.                                               production and in-depth analysis of plays and scenes.
                                                                  Students are expected to participate  in all class
            Band 1 – 238010                                       assignments and prepare portfolio and production
                                                                  books. Student are asked to rehearse outside of class
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12           time  and are required to  see one play per quarter.
                              1 Year Course                       Recommended pathway:  successful completion of
                UC Requirement                 f                  Theatre Arts 1 and instructor approval.
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                   Theatre Arts 3  – 291315
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, MHS, THS                 10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12
            Description:   This is an  individualized instruction                   1 Year Course
            course on a standard band instrument.  This course is     UC Requirement                 f
            designed for students with little or no experience or for   CSU Requirement            VAPA
            desiring to learn a second band instrument.
                                                                       School Site(s)
                                                                                           BCHS, LHS, MHS, THS
                                                                  Description:  This course is a review, extension, and
            Oral Interpretation/Performing Arts – 290210          enrichment of topics studied in Theatre Arts 2.
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12           Students combine a study of major historical changes
                             1 Year Course                        and various elements of  theatre and drama with
                UC Requirement                 f                  performances of monologues and duet scenes. It
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                 continues to emphasize  advanced acting techniques,
                 School Site(s)           BCHS, LHS               theatre history, and play  production. Students  are
            Description:  Oral Interpretation is one of the oldest of   given the opportunity to collaborate with other students
            human social activities - a speaker gives life to words on   in the development of dialogue and movement and
            a page. Students analyze the meaning and feeling      study the basic principles of theatre direction: director’s
            behind  words of poetry, prose and dramatic literature,   intent; script interpretation; various styles represented
            respond to the sensory information of  the literature,   by a wide range of ethnically diverse playwrights; and
            and use the voice and body to share with, and perform,   dramatic and literary analysis.   Recommended
            for others. Through the  art of oral interpretation,   pathway:  Successful completion of Theatre Arts 2 and
            students  learn appreciation for literature in its varied   instructor approval.
            forms and develop skills for presentation.

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