Page 51 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
P. 51

Life Skills English 1                                 Art 3 – 285215
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12                  10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12
                              1 Year Course                                         1 Year Course
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, THS, MHS              UC Requirement                 f
            Description:   This course is designed to provide        CSU Requirement               VAPA
            students fundamental skills  in basic English sentence     School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, MHS, THS,
            structure, punctuation, capitalization and grammar.                                     IHS
            Students will write, speak, and read a wide variety of
            literary works.  The focus is to develop the essential   Description:   This art class is designed for students
            skills needed  to meet academic content standards and   with a strong interest in art. Advanced drawing
            improve reading, writing, listening and speaking skills   techniques, watercolor, and oil painting media will be
            for life.  Placement is recommended by the IEP team.    investigated. A more in-depth examination of sculpture
            This course meets the requirements for a Certificate of   and printmaking will be offered. This course may be
            Achievement.                                          repeated for credit. Recommended pathway:  Successful
                                                                  completion of Intermediate Art or portfolio submission.
            Life Skills English 2
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12           AP Art History - 292016
                              1 Year Course                            10 Credits                                 Grade(s) 10-12
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, THS, MHS                           1 Year Course
            Description:  This course is designed to build upon the   UC Requirement                f
            fundamentals of writing skills obtained in Life Skills
            English 1.  Students will complete reports and learn to   CSU Requirement             VAPA
            write stories, letters, business documents and different   School Site(s)          BCHS, THS
            types of essays.  Students  will gain skills in revising   Description:  AP Art History is an introduction to
            and editing their work.  Students will collect samples of
            their written work and personal career documents in a   interpreting and analyzing the visual arts.  The main
            portfolio.  Students will also read American literature.    goal of the course is to help students understand and
            This course is intended for sophomores through seniors   appreciate key examples of architecture, sculpture, and
            on the Certificate Pathway.                           painting as evidence in history.

                                                                  AP Studio Art Drawing Portfolio – 287216
                                                                                               Grade(s) 11-12
                                                                         10 Credits
               VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS                                           1 Year Course
                                                                      UC Requirement                 f
            Art 1 – 285010                                           CSU Requirement               VAPA
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12                School Site(s)           BCHS, MHS
                                                                  Description:  This course is designed to address a broad
                              1 Year Course                       interpretation of drawing issues and media. The course
                UC Requirement                 f                  emphasizes  making art as  an on-going  process that
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                 involves the student in informed and critical decision
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, IHS, LHS, MHS,         making. Light and  shade, line quality, rendering of
                                              THS                 form, composition, surface manipulation, and illusion of
            Description:  This is an introductory art course. This   depth are drawing issues addressed through a variety
            course is an overview of basic drawing, painting,     of means.   Works may include painting, printmaking
            sculpture, and printmaking.  Each of these areas of   and mixed media, as well  as abstract, observational,
            study are  examined for one quarter. Design,          and inventive works.  This course meets the graduation
            composition, and  problem solving within the arts  are   requirement and the UC and CSU Visual and
            emphasized. Art History is included and introduced, as   Performing Arts requirement.   Recommended pathway:
            it is relevant to the assigned projects.              Advanced Art with a grade of “B” or better, portfolio
                                                                  review and instructor recommendation.
             Art 2 – 285110
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12           AP Studio Art 2D Design Portfolio – 285316
                              1 Year Course                              10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12
                UC Requirement                 f                                   1 Year Course
               CSU Requirement               VAPA                     UC Requirement                 f
                 School Site(s)       LHS, IHS, MHS, THS             CSU Requirement               VAPA
            Description:   This course is a continuation of            School Site(s)           BCHS, MHS
            Introduction to Art elaborating on the basic elements.   Description:   This course addresses a very broad
            Work in this class  is based specifically on classical   interpretation of two-dimensional design issues.  This
            elements of art: line, shape, texture, color, and  value.   type of design involves purposeful decision-making
            Other projects involve the principles of art: balance,   about how to use the elements and principles of art in
            unity, rhythm, and selectivity. Watercolor, pen and ink,   an integrative way.  The variety of art forms  include,
            silk-screening,  along  with  collage  and  three-
            dimensional work is included.                         but are not  limited to, graphic design, typography,
            Recommended pathway:  Successful completion of        digital imaging, photography, collage, fabric design,
            Introduction to Art                                   weaving, illustration, painting and printmaking.  A
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