Page 46 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
P. 46

SOCIAL SCIENCE                            eighteenth century to the present.  The year begins
                                                                  with an introduction to current world issues and then
                                                                  continues with a focus on the expansion of the West and
            American Law & Order  - 272010                        the growing interdependence  of people  and cultures
                 10 Credits                              Grade(s) 10-12   throughout the world.
                             1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 g                  AP World History – 271116
                CSU Requirement           Social Science                 10 Credits              Grade(s) 10
                  School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, MHS, THS                           1 Year Course
            Description:  This course provides practical information   UC Requirement                a
            and problem-solving opportunities regarding the law.     CSU Requirement            Social Science
            Students develop both knowledge of the law and skills      School Site(s)               LHS
            necessary for  living, understanding, and participating   Description: AP World History is a college level course
            in our law based society.   Students engage in active   that focuses on the history  of the world’s civilizations
            learning experiences such as mock trials, moot courts,   and cultures  from 8000 B.C.E. to the present. This
            role play, case studies, simulations  and small group   course focuses on developing students’ abilities to think
            exercise.  Students explore the definition of law, citizen   conceptually  about world history and apply historical
            rights and  responsibilities under the law, learn     thinking skills as they learn about the past.
            methods of dispute resolution, as well as identify and
            analyze public issues.  Exploration of legal careers will   AP European History – 277416
            be a theme throughout the course.                            10 Credits              Grade(s) 10
                                                                                    1 Year Course
            World Geography CP – 272410                               UC Requirement                 a
                   5 Credits               Grade(s) 9                CSU Requirement            Social Science
                            1 Semester Course                          School Site(s)         THS, MHS, BCHS
                UC Requirement                 a                  Description:   European  History is a rigorous and
               CSU Requirement            Social Science          detailed study of the history of Europe from the High
                                                                  Renaissance to the present.   Art/Literature, religion,
                 School Site(s)        BCHS, LHS, MHS,            philosophy, economics, and  intellectual/social history
                                          MCHS, THS               are covered  as well  as traditional  political/military
            Description:  The semester of Physical and Human      history.  This class is designed to prepare students for
            Geography is taught through the five themes of        the College Board  Advanced Placement test  in
            geography and the state standards.  Students study and   European History.  A satisfactory score  (3, ,4, or 5)
            compare at least four of the following regions:  Africa,   means the  student could receive college credit for this
            Asia, Europe, Middle East, North and South America    subject.  This course meets the “A” requirement for the
            and the Pacific World.   Students explore the global   U.C. system, as well as the California State Standards
            community through current events and cultural         for World History.  The course is designed in a way that
            diversity through research projects.                  promotes critical thinking  and prepares students for
                                                                  Common Core material.

            World History – 271100                                U.S. History – 270900
                   10 Credits              Grade(s) 10                   10 Credits              Grade(s) 11
                              1 Year Course                                        1 Year Course
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, IHS, LHS, MCHS,             School Site(s)      BCHS, IHS, LHS, MCHS,
                                           MHS, THS                                              MHS, THS
            Description:  Students examine major turning points in   Description:  Students  study the major  turning points
            the shaping of the modern world from the late
            eighteenth century to the present.  The year begins   in American  history in the  twentieth century.  They
            with an introduction to current world issues and then   trace the change in the ethnic composition of American
                                                                  society; the  movement toward equal rights for racial
            continues with a focus on the expansion of the West and
            the growing interdependence  of people  and cultures   minorities and women; and the role of the United
            throughout the world.   This course meets  the District   States as a major world power.  An emphasis is placed
                                                                  on the expanding role of the federal government and
            graduation requirement,  but not the UC/CSU  “a-g”
            entrance requirements                                 federal courts as well as the continuing tension between
                                                                  the individual and the state.   This course meets  the
                                                                  District graduation requirement but not  the  UC/CSU
            World History CP – 271110                             “a-g”entrance requirements.
                   10 Credits              Grade(s) 10
                              1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 a
               CSU Requirement            Social Science
                 School Site(s)        BCHS, LHS, MCHS,
                                           MHS, THS
            Description:  Students examine major turning points in
            the shaping of the modern world from the late
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