Page 2 - The Honorable Stories of Veterans in Our Mundo_Telemundo
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What did a typical day look like in the military?
As a Paratrooper, I was an infantryman trained in combat and
assault operations. While serving in Iraq, a typical day would
consist of several patrol missions to comb the streets of Baghdad,
seeking out and eliminating any terrorist threat in the vicinity.
We would also do patrols with Iraqi Police and train them to
better protect their people. Additionally, we would engage in
guard duty to protect our FOB/base, similar to having security
posts around the clock to watch the areas around us.
What inspired you to serve?
It was actually the sense of adventure that made me join. I
wanted to experience new things like training in combat tactics
and jumping out of planes. I guess you can call it a bit of thrill
What learnings did you take away that you still use to this day?
I learned a stronger sense of responsibility, leadership and work
ethic. The military can really show you the type of person you can
be and shape you into a better person for the future. It helped
ALEXIS RODRIGUEZ me hone my skills, which I use to help keep our Telemundo family
Sr. Coordinator, Security safe every day.
Military Role: Paratrooper at 20 Years Old