Page 4 - The Honorable Stories of Veterans in Our Mundo_Telemundo
P. 4
What did a typical day look like in the military?
I joined the military at 18 years old as a Naval Engineer
onboard the USS Wisconsin BB-64 and then became a crew
member on a SH-60 Seahawk helicopter. A typical day in
the Navy depends on the mission at hand. During the
Persian Gulf War in 1991, I spent 11 months in Iraq on
Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, engaging in
patrol missions and moving military members, journalists
and guests, as well as engaging the enemy when necessary.
What inspired you to serve?
I initially joined the Navy because I didn’t want to go to
college and saw it as an alternative option. However, once I
wore the uniform and served actively, I realized the
importance of my role. I was filled with pride, honor and
respect. Patriotism became a lifestyle.
What learnings did you take away that you still use to this
Discipline, attention to detail, punctuality, organization,
FERNANDO ALMÁNZAR teamwork and confidence.
Assignment Editor & Producer - Un Nuevo Día
Military Role: Naval Engineer at 18 Years Old