Page 50 - UK Celebrity Cookbook 2022
P. 50


            GEORGIA MEACHAM'S                                                             SERVES 4

              CREAMY CARBONARA

            INGREDIENTS                             METHOD

            2 tbsp olive oil                        1.  In a large pan, fry the shallots on a medium

            3 shallots, peeled and finely               heat in the olive oil for about five minutes
            chopped                                     until softening. Add the garlic and fry for

            3 cloves garlic, peeled                     another two, then add the peas and stir well.
            and sliced                                  Remove from the heat and set aside.
            150g frozen peas                        2.  Cook the spaghetti as per the packet’s
            Salt and pepper to taste                    instructions and while it is cooking, blend

            350g spaghetti                              the cashews with the plant milk until you
                                                        get a creamy smooth mixture. Stir in the
            125g cashew nuts, soaked for                nutritional yeast, then combine with the
            two hours in boiling water                  shallots and peas. Season.
            150ml unsweetened plant milk            3.  When the spaghetti is cooked, coat it in the

            2tbsp nutritional yeast                     creamy mixture. Grate over the parmesan
            Vegan parmesan to serve                     to serve.

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