Page 48 - UK Celebrity Cookbook 2022
P. 48


            MELODY KANE'S                                                                 SERVES 4

              VEGAN MAC N CHEESE

            INGREDIENTS                             METHOD

            225g gluten-free or spelt pasta         1.  Cook pasta according to package

            100g cashews, soaked                        instructions. Drain and set aside.
            for 4-6 hours                           2.  In a medium pan over medium-low heat,

            11/2 tbsp avocado oil or                    sauté the onion in olive oil for 7-8 mins,
            extra-virgin olive oil                      then add the garlic and cook for 2 more
            1 large red onion                           mins, stirring.
            5 cloves garlic, pressed                3.  Meanwhile, add onions and garlic to

            or minced                                   a blender with all the remaining ingredients
            400g pumpkin purée,                         except for the cheese and blend until
            homecooked or storebought                   smooth.

            Small pinch of allspice                 4.  Put the sauce into the pan and cook on
            1/2 tsp nutmeg                              a medium heat, add the cheese and stir

            1/2 tsp dry mustard powder                  frequently until the cheese has melted
            1/2 tsp pink Himalayan salt                 and the sauce has slightly thickened.

            Handful of chopped thyme                5.  Add the pasta to the cheese, and serve
            1 cup almond milk,                          immediately, garnished with chives.
            more as necessary

            1/4 cup nutritional yeast
            80g vegan coconut oil-based
            cheese, grated

            Chives to garnish
            Salt and pepper to taste

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