Page 29 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 29


          8.  CAN YOU BE A SUCCESSFUL                          9.  DO YOU NEED MILK FOR
          VEGAN ATHLETE?                                       STRONG BONES?

          Ask Lewis Hamilton, Morgan Mitchell and Hector       No. We need calcium for strong bones, along
          Bellerin! Ask Chris Smalling, Venus Williams         with vitamin D, and we can get calcium from
          and Kendrick Farris! These elite athletes – and      a wide variety of sources. Dairy does not have
          many more -– are vegan and have reported             the monopoly on it!

          significant health and performance benefits          Calcium can be found in many of the plant
          since adopting a plant-based diet.                   milks and yogurts that are readily available. It

          If you haven’t seen the film The Game                can also be found in beans (especially black
          Changers yet, it’s definitely worth watching. In it,   turtle beans, kidney beans and soya beans),
          the science behind what a plant-based diet can       kale, collards, watercress, broccoli, sweet

          do for athletes is explained by researchers and      potato, butternut squash, tofu and dried figs.
          doctors who are experts in this field.               Getting enough calcium as a vegan is not

          The film, which was executive produced by            difficult so long as you eat a varied diet. But
          Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis            eating calcium-rich foods alone is not enough.
          Hamilton, Novak Djokovic among others,               We need vitamin D, known as the sunshine

          features some of the strongest, fastest and          vitamin, to help absorb it, so spending some
          most powerful athletes in the world. Becoming        time outdoors each day will help this. Over
          vegan has given them more energy, less               the winter months, however, we cannot rely on

          inflammation and a quicker recovery time,            the sun and must make sure we have another
          all with no loss of power or muscle mass.            source. In terms of foods, mushrooms are a

          From sprinters and cyclists to footballers and       great source, and many breakfast cereals,
          strength athletes, going vegan is prolonging         breads and vegan butters are already fortified
          careers and enhancing performance.                   with it. Since getting sufficient vitamin D in
                                                               winter is difficult for everyone, no matter
                                                               what their diet is, it is advisable to take a
                                                               supplement just to be on the safe side.
               DUSTIN WATTEN,
               OLYMPIC VOLLEYBALL                              For optimal bone health, we are also advised
               PLAYER AND VEGANUARY                            to limit caffeine and avoid smoking, as both
               AMBASSADOR, SAYS:                               increase calcium loss from the body, and
                                                               to do regular weight-bearing exercise such
               “Vegan for my body and mind,                    as walking, running, dancing, playing football

               the animals and the future.                     or lifting weights.
               It’s a decision that is in our control
               and everyone benefits.”

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