Page 25 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 25


          2.  DO FISH FEEL PAIN?

          The short answers to these two questions are:        the thing that hurts them. In other words, they
          almost certainly, and almost certainly not.          behave in the exact same way as we would if

          Pain is a difficult thing to assess in any           we were in pain but couldn’t speak.
          species, even humans. We cannot see                  The evidence is strong and getting stronger

          someone else’s pain, but we can hear them            all the time, but even if it wasn’t, shouldn’t we
          describe it and trust what they say is true.         err on the side of caution and treat aquatic
          But it is not so simple to assess the pain in        species with care and compassion?
          species that do not speak our language. So,          As for plants, while we know that they can
          scientists have come up with two ways to             ‘feel’ sensations, they have no brain and

          determine whether other species are likely to        no central nervous system. Nor are they
          feel pain: first, do they have all the necessary     equipped to move away from the thing that
          physiological equipment that would allow             harms them, and so feeling pain would be of

          them to feel pain? And secondly, do they             no benefit to them. In the future, we may find
          behave as though they feel pain?                     out more about what exactly they can feel but

          In the case of fish, the answer to both these        for now, it is safe to assume that, whatever it is,
          questions is yes. Fish have pain receptors,          it is not pain.
          which would be strange if they weren’t able          But, if you are more worried about plants that

          to feel pain. They also produce substances           (probably) don’t feel pain than animals that
          known as enkephalins that mediate pain in the        definitely do, then you should still switch to a
          same way as in vertebrates like us.                  plant-based diet. Contrary as it sounds, meat

          Research has also shown that many aquatic            eaters consume a lot more plants than vegans
          species have an aversion to noxious                  via the plant-eating animals that they eat.
          substances. When harmed they rub

          themselves in the affected area or hide from

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