Page 21 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 21



          Those of us who have abundant fresh water
          at the turn of a tap rarely give a thought to
          worldwide water shortages, yet 844 million
          people have no access to clean water, and

          300,000 children die each year of diarrhoea,
          linked to dirty water and poor sanitation.  The
          situation is expected to worsen as the effects

          of climate change hit home, with
          the world’s poorest most likely to suffer
          the consequences.                                    POLLUTION 

          Without water, nothing can live but just three       Animal farming is a key polluter of air,
          per cent of the world’s water is fresh, and just     land and waterways.

          one-third of that is readily available for human     The air inside animal farms contains high
          use.  We must be careful how we use this             levels of organic dust, which is known to lead
          precious resource.                                   to respiratory problems. Such farms may

          Globally, agriculture uses an astonishing            also emit air pollutants into the atmosphere,
          70 per cent of all available water,  but it is       including ammonia and hydrogen sulphide,
          animal agriculture that demands the most.            as well as microorganisms and toxins. Both
          This is because it takes a staggering 9,000          farm workers and neighbours can be seriously
          litres to produce one pound of beef but just         affected. 29
          60 litres to produce one pound of potatoes.          Land is polluted by the vast amounts of slurry
          The largest pig farms use enough water to            produced by billions of farmed animals.

          supply an entire city. 26                            It is known to be noxious and should be

          Switching to a plant-based diet is probably          stored securely but all too often it is either
          the biggest thing we can do to save water.  27       deliberately spread on the land or accidentally
                                                               leaks onto it. (Half of all slurry storage facilities
                                                               in the UK are thought to be inadequate. )
                                                               Either way, the effects can be devastating. 31
               “A vegan diet is probably the single
               biggest way to reduce your impact               Slurry and other agricultural pollutants
               on planet Earth, not just greenhouse            regularly contaminate rivers, where they
               gases, but global acidification, eutro-         poison the water and decimate aquatic life.
               phication, land use and water use.”  28         Pollution incidents are recorded every week
                                                               in the UK, and most of them involve dairy
               JOSEPH POORE,
               RESEARCHER AT THE UNIVERSITY                    farms.  Worldwide, farmed animals’ slurry
               OF OXFORD, 2018                                 is a key factor in the growth of ocean
                                                               dead zones.

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