Page 19 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 19


          GLOBAL HEALTH 

          ZOONOTIC DISEASES                                    ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE

          Eating animal products, as we have seen,             The vast majority of farmed animals are reared
          can raise the risk of diseases that rob us of        intensively in cramped, filthy conditions
          our health, our wellbeing and the people             that weaken their immune systems while

          we love the most. But animal farming has             simultaneously exposing them to squalor.
          the power to kill people on a devastating            Unsurprisingly, diseases on such farms are
          scale, through the diseases it breeds and the        rife. But instead of providing better conditions,
          antibiotics that it uses.                            the industry doses the animals with antibiotics

          Many infectious diseases that people suffer          and in overusing them, it has helped antibiotic-

          from today – including whooping cough,               resistant strains of superbugs to emerge.
          leprosy and measles – are thought to have            In 2016, Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General
          originated in the animals we farmed, and this        of the World Health Organization said:
          transfer of diseases from farmed animals to          ‘Antimicrobial resistance, as I say again and
          people is far from over. Avian influenza (‘bird      again, is a slow-motion tsunami. It is a global

          flu’), for example, still infects and kills people   crisis that must be managed with the utmost
          every year.  Such viruses mutate, and when           urgency.’
          they do there is a chance they can be spread         In order to reduce the vast amounts of
          more easily and become more deadly, which            antibiotics given to animals, we must end
          is what happened in both 1918 and 1957               factory farming, and we can only do that when
          when millions of people died.  There is a clear      people stop buying animal products.
          connection between the current COVID-19
          crisis and the global food system based on

          animal products, which contributes to the
          destruction of ecosystems and can lead to the
          transmission of infectious diseases from wild            SARA PASCOE,
                                                                   COMEDIAN AND
          animals to humans, according to leaders at               VEGANUARY
          the UN, WHO and WWF International.     16                AMBASSADOR, SAYS:

                                                                   “I decided that I was going to do 100
                                                                   days being vegan, and I was going
                                                                   to write it up and see how I felt. But

                                                                   within a week I felt so much better in
                                                                   my body that it then became oh I am
                                                                   definitely going to do this forever.”

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