Page 18 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 18



          In 2015, The World Health Organization               On the flip side, plants are protective. The
          announced it had sufficient evidence from            World Cancer Research Fund says there is
          epidemiological studies to classify all              strong evidence that wholegrains and fibre
          processed meat as carcinogenic to humans.            decrease the risk of colorectal cancer; that
          Bacon, sausages, chorizo, salami, hot dogs           non-starchy vegetables decrease the risk
          and any other meat that has been smoked,             of cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx,
          cured or otherwise processed can cause               oesophagus, lung and breast; and that fruit

          cancer  and no amount is safe.                       reduces the risk of oesophagus and lung
                                                               cancer. There is also some evidence that fruits
          Furthermore, unprocessed red meat was also           and veggies reduce the risk of stomach and

          classified as being ‘probably carcinogenic’ to       bladder cancer, too. 13
          humans, with the strongest evidence relating
          to colorectal cancer as well as there being
          evidence of links with pancreatic cancer and
          prostate cancer. 12

                                                                   KUNTAL JOISHER,
                                                                   AND VEGANUARY
                                                                   AMBASSADOR, SAYS:

                                                                   “I have never eaten meat in my
                   ANTHONY MULLALLY,                               entire life and turned vegan 17
                   PROFESSIONAL                                    years ago. I was successfully
                   RUGBY PLAYER                                    able to build top of the world
                   AND VEGANUARY                                   level muscle and endurance and
                   AMBASSADOR, SAYS:
                                                                   not only survive but thrive in the

                   “On the pitch I feel fitter, I have a           -50C temperatures on top of
                   lot more energy in the mornings                 Everest, not just once, but twice!
                   which helps me cope for training                Goes to show that no animal

                   more, so a lot better in it all.                needs to suffer or die for our
                   I’m mentally clearer as well.”                  dreams to come true.”

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