Page 16 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 16


           WHY VEGAN?


          Not all vegan food is automatically healthy.         others that their depression symptoms were
          You could eat a dozen delicious flavours of          relieved. Many find that sporting performance
          vegan ice cream for breakfast, a stack of            improves. We can’t promise everyone that

          pancakes doused in syrup for lunch, and              their niggling conditions and chronic illnesses
          a dinner of cakes, cookies, meringues and            will disappear after 31 days of plant-based
          cheesecakes. It’s great that we can make             eating, but for lots of people, a month without
          or buy all these wonderful vegan treats but no       eating animal products brings a stark, often

          one would think for a moment that they are           unexpected, improvement.
          healthy.                                             These short-term changes can feel miraculous,

          A healthy diet must include putting plants at        but the real power of a whole food plant-
          the centre of our meals, though this does not        based diet is over a longer period as that’s
          mean we have to sacrifice pleasure or flavour.       where the life-changing benefits really lie.

          And if we choose wholefoods, legumes, nuts,
          fruits, spices, herbs and some of the 20,000
          edible plants that exist in the world, we can
          experience an incredible improvement in
          our health while enjoying some wonderful                 Dr Michael Greger is an

          flavours.                                                internationally recognised

          Some of the most common reports we receive               speaker on nutrition, food safety,
          from Veganuary participants is that after 31             and public health. He has devised
          days vegan they experience an improvement                a list of foods we should all aim to eat
          in their digestion, skin, hair, sinuses and sleep.       every day for optimal health. This is
                                                                   Dr Greger’s Daily Dozen.
          We have also been told of improvements in
          arthritis, chronic fatigue and energy levels.
          Some people report better mental clarity,

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