Page 11 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 11


           MEAL PLANNING

          Some people find making a weekly
          meal planner helpful, so they always

          know what they need to shop for and
          what they will be eating. Here are

          some ideas to get you started.

             •  Toast – with vegan butter, peanut

             butter, yeast extract, jam, hummus,
             avocado, sliced tomato, or dairy-free
             •  Oatmeal – with your choice of plant

             milk. Add seeds, nuts and fruits
             •  Breakfast cereals – with dairy-free milk
             or yogurt. Add seeds, nuts and fruit
             •  Full – vegan sausages and bacon,                  DINNER

             scrambled tofu, hash browns, grilled                 •  Pizza – with vegan cheese, ham
             tomatoes, mushrooms and baked beans                  and chorizo, sundried tomatoes, basil,
             •  Tea, coffee and fruit juice
                                                                  sweetcorn, artichoke, olives and capers,
                                                                  pineapple, jalapeños

                                                                  •  Spaghetti Bolognese – made with
             LUNCH                                                lentils or soya mince, or a combination
             •  Soup and roll – homemade or shop-                 •  Curry – Thai, Indonesian, Indian,

             bought                                               Bangladeshi, or ‘veganise’ your old
             •  Sandwiches and wraps – homemade                   favourite recipe
             (vegan BLT; cheese and pickle; ‘ham’ and             •  Burger in a bun with a fresh green
             mustard; hummus and carrot) or shop-                 salad
             bought                                               •  Chilli non carne with nachos, refried

             •  Pasta salad or a hot pasta dish                   beans and guacamole
             •  Jacket potato with salad, dairy-free              •  Bangers and mash with fresh
             cheese, baked beans or chilli, or make a             vegetables

             delicious vegan tuna salad                           •  Steak and chips – yes, there are now
             •  Sushi – homemade or shop-bought                   vegan steaks available!

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