Page 8 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 8





          While getting the nutrition right for our kids

          is vital, there are some wider issues around
          feeding your children vegan foods. One is
          that vegans of all ages are less likely to suffer
          from bugs like campylobacter, salmonella,

          listeria and E. coli that infect so many animal
          products, and which can be fatal to people.
          And thanks in large part to animal agriculture,
          antibiotic resistance to campylobacter and

          other diseases is growing. If we don’t want our
          children to live in a world where even minor
          infections cannot be treated, we need to end
          our reliance on meat, eggs and milk.

          Of course, if we want them to have an
          inhabitable planet at all, then we must tackle
          climate change and one of the biggest
          human-generated contributors to that is

          animal farming.
          When we feed our children vegan food,

          we teach them about the environment and
          compassion, about sharing the world and                  KELLIE BRIGHT,
          taking care of themselves and others. Some               ACTOR AND VEGANUARY

          people may criticise vegans for ‘inflicting’ their       AMBASSADOR, SAYS:
          views on their children, forgetting perhaps              “My children deserve a future
          that they do the exact same thing when they              and so do yours. If you care about
          feed their own children meat. In reality, all            climate change, make a difference
          parents make choices for their children when             and do Veganuary.”

          they are young, and as they grow it is up to
          them whether they continue with that choice
          or they choose a different path.

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