Page 3 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
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          Thank you for signing up to take part in Veganuary and pledging to try vegan for
          31 days. This guide will answer all your basic questions, from Where do I get my
          protein? to How does what I eat affect the environment?

          Veganuary is a charity registered in England &       Over the next month you will also receive your
          Wales which works globally to create a kinder        31 inspirational and fact-packed emails to
          world where animals are not bred, fattened           guide you through those first few weeks. Who

          and slaughtered for products that damage             knows what you might discover along the way,
          our environment and can cause serious health         or how much better you might feel in yourself?
          problems in us. Instead, we show that there is
          another way, and that each of us can have a          SO, LET’S GET YOUR VEGANUARY
          major impact on the world around us simply           OFF TO A FLYING START!

          by making small changes to the way we eat.

                                                                   BRIAN MAY,
                                                                   MUSICIAN AND
                                                                   VEGANUARY 2020
                                                                   PARTICIPANT, SAYS:

                                                                   “VEGANUARY!!! Yes! It’s done -
                                                                   and I loved it. Not a morsel of
                   JOAQUIN PHOENIX,                                meat or fish or dairy passed my
                   ACTOR AND                                       lips. It was so much easier than
                   VEGANUARY                                       I expected, and gave me so
                   AMBASSADOR, SAYS:
                                                                   much. So I am now plunging in
                   “No matter our differences,                     for a Vegan February!!! I certainly

                   kindness and compassion should                  don’t feel like giving up this new
                   rule everything around us.”                     journey of discovery.”

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