Page 4 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 4


           WHAT IS VEGAN?

          Veganism is often defined by what we don’t eat: meat, fish, eggs, dairy and honey,
          plus some of the animal ingredients that are hidden away in products, such as
          whey, gelatine and cochineal.

          But really, we should focus on all the great
          stuff that vegans do eat. And in reality, the            BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH,
          difference isn’t all that huge. Instead of meaty         POET AND VEGANUARY
          burgers, sausage and steaks, we eat plant-               AMBASSADOR, SAYS:

          based versions. Instead of dairy cheese on a
          pizza or cows’ milk in our coffee, we choose             I originally went vegan at the age of
          the non-dairy versions. For almost every                 13 because of my love of animals.

          animal-derived ingredient and product,                   The world now knows that vegan is
          there is now a vegan alternative, and this               the way to go. It’s the one thing we
          means that a vegan meal may look and taste               can all do to help heal the world and
          exactly like a non-vegan meal, it just doesn’t           ourselves. Veganuary is a great way
          come with the animal suffering, or the same              to start the year, and it’s also a great

          environmental impact.                                    way to start the future.

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