Page 9 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 9


           OUR TOP TEN TIPS


             1.  IT’S ALL IN THE PLANNING!                      3.  EASE YOURSELF IN
             Don’t wake up on the first day of your             There is no need to reinvent your whole

             vegan adventure without having thought             eating habits. If you like a sausage
             about what you might eat! That is the              sandwich, have one – just make sure the
             absolute quickest way to fall off the              sausages are vegan. If you want ice cream,
             wagon. Ahead of time, have a think about           go ahead. There are dozens of different
             your first day’s meals and buy plant milk          delicious flavours out there. You can have

             for your breakfast and coffee or tea, some         almost everything you had before in a
             dairy-free butter for toast or sandwiches,         vegan version, so just switch like for like.
             and something tasty for your dinner.

                                                                4. VEGANISE YOUR FAVOURITE DISHES
             2.  LOOK OUT FOR ACCIDENTALLY                      Again, there is no need to adopt a whole
             VEGAN FOODS                                        new eating regime. If your signature dish is
             There are so many everyday foods that              lasagne, make a vegan version with soya

             just happen to be vegan, so open up your           mince and plant milk for the béchamel. If
             cupboard and take a look. Pasta, rice,             you love a morning fry-up, you can make it
             peanut butter and Marmite, most breads,            with vegan bacon and sausages. Whether

             tinned tomatoes, chickpeas and kidney              you cook curries, casseroles, soups, stews,
             beans, jam and marmalade, coconut milk,            pies and pasties, roast dinners, cakes,
             curry pastes, tomato puree, baked beans,           desserts or anything else, simply veganise
             many crisps, crackers and biscuits, herbs          it.
             and spices, many gravy granules, tea,

             coffee and fruit juice... There is a good          5. WHEN YOU’RE READY, BRANCH OUT
             chance that half the foods you already eat         Many people find that becoming vegan
             are vegan!
                                                                opens up a whole new world of recipes
                                                                and ingredients, and rekindles their love

                                                                of great food. Once you’ve got the hang of
                                                                the basics, why not jump in and try some
                                                                brand-new recipes (there are thousands

                                                                online) and see if it ignites your culinary

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