Page 14 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 14


           WHY VEGAN?

          There are lots of reasons why people decide to switch to a plant-based diet,
          but most people say it is for one of three reasons: to end their contribution to the
          suffering of farmed animals, to better protect the environment and reduce their

          climate impact, and to improve their own health. What is really interesting is that
          often people try vegan for one reason but decide to stay vegan for all three.

          This is why …

            ANIMALS                                            CHICKENS

                                                               Chickens are probably the most exploited
          Most of us feel uncomfortable about the              animal on earth. Typically, tens of thousands of
          factory farming and slaughter of animals.            birds are crammed together in a warehouse,
          We find images and films upsetting and               on a farm that may hold millions of birds.
          prefer not to think about it, and yet we             Here, the farmer’s first job each morning is
          know deep down that not                              to pick up the bodies of those who did not

          thinking about it doesn’t                            make it through the night and to wring the
          change anything at all.                              necks of the weakest, the smallest and the
          Rather than turning away,                            sick. Individual care is not possible when there

          we would urge people                                 are so many birds, and so these victims suffer
          to have courage and read on.
                                                               and die out of sight. They will never scratch
                                                               in the earth, sunbathe or do any of the things
                                                               that make life worthwhile for a bird. Their first
               NO ANIMAL ESCAPES THE
               HORRORS OF FARMING, NOT EVEN                    breath of fresh air will be on the day they are
               THOSE WE THINK ARE HAPPY IN                     transported to the slaughterhouse, at the age
               FIELDS.                                         of just six weeks.
               Did you know that sheep have hormone-           Chickens farmed for their eggs are a different
               soaked sponges inserted into their              breed to those reared for meat. Although tiny
               vaginas to control their fertility, and that    battery cages are banned in the UK, slightly
               many are inseminated surgically? And
               that there is a whole raft of ‘mutilations’     bigger cages are not, and around 16 million
               that are legal and commonplace,                 hens on UK egg farms still live their lives
               from tail docking and teeth clipping to         inside cages. There is no doubt that they
               dehorning, ear-clipping and tattooing.          suffer as a consequence of those cramped,
               The lives of farmed animals are                 unnatural conditions. And when their
               characterised by suffering, fear and loss.      productivity declines, they too are sent to the


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