Page 17 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
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Almost 30 per cent of adult Britons and 20 per Animal products contain high levels of
cent of children leaving primary school are saturated fat that can raise cholesterol and
medically classified as obese. It’s a serious, increase our risk of developing heart disease.
life-limiting and life-threatening condition, Conversely, the majority of plants are low in
which makes heart disease, type 2 diabetes saturated fat and none contain cholesterol, so a
and stroke more likely. diet full of plant products such as wholegrains,
Studies have regularly shown that vegetarians beans, fruits and vegetables can help to lower
tend to have a lower Body Mass Index, and blood cholesterol and provide a heart-healthy
vegans appear to have the lowest Body Mass diet. The great news is that it’s never too
Index of all. Researchers increasingly believe late to start protecting your heart. A growing
that this may be connected to a plant-based number of doctors are finding they can halt
diet positively affecting the gut and promoting and even reverse heart disease in patients who
‘a diverse ecosystem of beneficial bacteria undertake a programme that includes eating
to support both human gut microbiome and a whole food plant-based diet.
overall health’. This is not the whole story,
Our recommended reading: Undo It!: How
though. Animal products contain significant Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most
amounts of saturated fats, while plants and Chronic Diseases by Dr Dean Ornish
wholegrains contain plenty of fibre that help
keep us feeling fuller for longer. TYPE 2 DIABETES
The fact that type 2 diabetes is so common
– around 5 million Britons live with it – should
“Plant-based foods,
particularly fruit and not detract from just how serious this condition
vegetables, nuts, pulses and seeds, is. It can lead to complications including heart
have been shown to help in the disease and stroke, nerve damage, kidney
treatment of many chronic diseases disease, blindness, leg ulcers and peripheral
and are often associated with vascular disease, which in turn can lead to
lower rates of Type 2 diabetes, less foot or limb amputation. It is a devastating
hypertension, lower cholesterol levels condition, but it can be prevented and even
and reduced cancer rates” reversed through lifestyle changes. And
— Diabetes UK
those who eat a plant-based diet have just a
small fraction of the occurrences of diabetes
compared to those who regularly eat meat. 9
For more information on reversing diabetes
with a plant-based diet, visit The Physicians
Committee for Responsible Medicine.