Page 20 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 20


           WHY VEGAN?

                                                                   PETER EGAN, ACTOR
           THE HEALTH OF                                           AND VEGANUARY

                                                                   AMBASSADOR, SAYS:
           OUR PLANET 

                                                                   “I believe in love and respect for all.
          Evidence is increasingly revealing just how              I can’t think of a kinder, gentler life
          big an impact our food choices have on                   than that which wishes to preserve
          the living world, and environmentalists are              our planet and all the species that

          switching to plant-based diets to minimise the           inhabit it.”
          damage caused in food production. Because
          animal agriculture impacts our planet in so
          many ways Joseph Poore, an environmental

          researcher at Oxford University, concluded           In Sweden, researchers analysed 39 peer-
          that ‘A vegan diet is probably the single            reviewed articles, carbon calculators and
          biggest way to reduce your impact on planet          government sources and came up with the
          Earth’. 18                                           four most impactful ways each of us can

          CLIMATE CHANGE                                       reduce our footprint. These are: adopt a
                                                               plant-based diet, limit flying, stop driving
          Animal agriculture is one of the leading             and limit the number of children we have.
          contributors of climate-changing emissions. In       These four key actions are not usually
          fact, the United Nations Food and Agriculture        included in government and environmental

          Organization has stated that animal                  recommendations, which instead tend to
          agriculture is responsible for 14.5 per cent of      advocate small, incremental changes, such as
          human-induced emissions – which makes                recycling or switching to reusable shopping

          animal products more damaging than the               bags, which, while positive, are not enough to
          direct fuel emissions from every car, plane, bus,    avoid catastrophe.
          truck, train and ship on the planet. 19
                                                               We must take meaningful action now. The
                                                               United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel

                                                               on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that
                                                               urgent and profound changes to the way we
                                                               live must be made if we are to keep global
                                                               temperature rise to no more than 1.5 degrees
                                                               above pre-industrial levels. Anything beyond

                                                               this will significantly worsen the risks of
                                                               drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for
                                                               hundreds of millions of people. 21

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