Page 24 - UK The Official Veganuary Starter Kit
P. 24




          1.  WHAT DO VEGANS EAT?

          When we talk about removing all animal               animal-free version. Shepherd’s pie, chilli

          products from our diet, it can be tricky to see      non carne and spaghetti Bolognese can
          what is left. But the truth is, vegans are just      be made in the same way as their meaty
          normal people, who like to eat the same foods        versions just by switching to soya mince,

          as everyone else and the recent vegan food           and for lasagne, using plant milks in the
          revolution means they can do just that. There        béchamel sauce. For fajitas, there are meaty
          are now vegan versions of everything from            strips. For curries, casseroles and stews,
          sausages, burgers, kebabs and steak to fish          there are meaty chunks.
          fingers, scampi and tuna. You can choose             Supermarkets are increasingly catering

          from a wide variety of plant milks, yogurts and      to the vegan ready-meal market, and
          ice cream, and even find vegan mayonnaise            you can find vegan mac ‘n’ cheese,
          and cheesecakes.                                     pizzas, Bolognese, Thai green curry, dhal,

          All these items and more are available in            mushroom carbonara, paella, chilli, burritos,
          supermarkets, alongside the vegan foods you          a variety of pies and many more options on

          already buy, perhaps without thinking of them        the high street.
          specifically as vegan. This includes pasta, rice,    As a new vegan, it can take a few weeks
          peanut butter, Marmite, jam, tinned tomatoes,        to adjust to buying new ingredients and

          baked beans, bread, crackers and crisps,             products, but very quickly people discover
          coconut milk, curry pastes, tomato puree,            that their new diet is far from restrictive. In
          tomato ketchup, tea, coffee and fruit juice.         fact, people often find that they discover a

          All this means, we can make our favourite            wealth of new foods and report that they
          meals just the way we like them, but in an           have never enjoyed such a varied diet.

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