Page 41 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
P. 41

Fakulti Seni Kreatif
                                             Faculty of Creative Arts

                Doktor Falsafah
                Doctor of Philosophy

               1.   Chen Shu    (China)
                       Tajuk Tesis : Correlation Between Preservice Teachers’ Multicultural Personality with Attitudes and
                       Practices Towards Multicultural Music Education
                       Penyelia : Dr. Wong Kwan Yie
               2.   James Philip Sheng Boyle
                       Tajuk Tesis : Changing Minds, Shifting Aesthetics: Malay Popular Music By Selected Malaysian Jazz
                       and Popular Composers of The Mid-20th and Early 21st Century
                       Penyelia : Professor Dr. Mohd Nasir bin Hashim / Dr. Yi-Li Chang
               3.   Lee Seow Phing
                       Tajuk Tesis : The Beauty of Transcriptions Based on J.S. Bach’s Chaconne (Bmv 1004: from The
                       Perspective of Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Section
                       Penyelia : Dr. Wang I Ta / Professor Dr. Ooi Chong Heng
               4.   Songxiao    (China)
                       Tajuk Tesis : The Dances of The Fishermen’s Festival, Rizhao City, China - Past, Present, Future
                       Penyelia : Dr. Farideh Alizadeh / Dr. Cheong Kee Cheok
               5.   Tan Chai Chen
                       Tajuk Tesis : Development of Creative Dance Training Module for Pre-School Teachers to Enhance
                       Higher-Order Thinking Skills Pedagogical Elements
                       Penyelia : Dr. Premalatha a/p Thiagarajan / Dr. Wong Kwan Yie
               6.   Ter Wei Shean
                       Tajuk Tesis : The Effect of Physiological Versus Traditional Vocal Warm-Up on The Vocal Quality of
                       Untrained Female Singers in Malaysia
                       Penyelia : Dr. Wong Kwan Yie
               7.   Wang Ziyun    (China)
                       Tajuk Tesis : Factors Influencing The Career Intentions of  Music Performance Major Undergraduates
                       in China
                       Penyelia : Dr. Wong Kwan Yie

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