Page 44 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
P. 44
Institut Asia-Eropah
Asia-Europe Institute
Doktor Falsafah
Doctor of Philosophy
1. Huang, Yan (China)
Tajuk Tesis : Perceptions of English Accents and Identity Construction: A Case Study of English
Language Learners in A University in China
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Azirah binti Hashim
2. Wu Qichun (China)
Tajuk Tesis : The Nexus Among Top Management, Environmental and Financial Performance: A
Comparative Study of China, Germany and Japan
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Fumitaka Furuoka /
Distinguished Professor Dato’ Dr. Rajah a/l Rasiah
Institut Pengajian Termaju
Institute for Advanced Studies
Doktor Falsafah
Doctor of Philosophy
Dengan Cemerlang
With Distinction
1. Hissah Saedoon M Albaqawi (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Tajuk Tesis : Pulse Laser Generation Using Mxene and Max Phase As Saturable Absorber
Penyelia : Dr. Chong Wu Yi / Dr. Norazriena binti Yusoff / Professor Datuk Dr. Harith bin Ahmad
2. Lim Lai Peng
Tajuk Tesis : Enhanced Tensile Strength and Thermal Conductivity of Natural Rubber Graphene
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Juan Joon Ching / Professor Dr. Gan Seng Neon
3. Tai Xin Hong
Tajuk Tesis : Heteroatom-Doped Photoreduced Graphene Oxide Photocatalysts for Removal of
Volatile Organic Compounds
Penyelia : Ir. Dr. Lai Chin Wei / Associate Professor Dr. Juan Joon Ching
4. Ahmad Rivai (Indonesia)
Tajuk Tesis : Photovoltaic Fault Detection and Diagnosis Based on Adaptive-Sampling Rate and
Operating Voltage Approaches
Penyelia : Professor Ir. Dr. Nasrudin bin Abd Rahim / Dr. Jafferi bin Jamaludin /
Dr. Mohamad Fathi bin Mohamad Elias