Page 45 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
P. 45

5.   Aizal Yusrina Idris
                       Tajuk Tesis : Design and Evaluation of An Electronic Training System for Professional Development in
                       Saudi Arabia’s Higher Education
                       Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Rafiza binti Abdul Razak / Dr. Siti Soraya binti Abdul Rahman
               6.   Ali Fauzi Ahmad Khan
                       Tajuk Tesis : The Use of Social Media in Mitigating Social Issues in Malaysia
                       Penyelia : Dr. Shamshul Bahri Zakaria
               7.   Alyaa Amalina binti Mohd Azli
                       Tajuk Tesis : Performance and Characteristics of Blend Polymer Electrolytes Based on Lithium Triflate
                       Impregnated Potato Starch-Graphene Oxide with Ionic Liquid As Plasticizer
                       Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Ninie Suhana binti Abdul Manan /
                       Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Fakhrul Zamani bin Abdul Kadir
               8.   Azratul Hizayu binti Taib
                       Tajuk Tesis : Bio-Efficacy of Mosquitoes Mat Vaporizers and Associated Detoxification Mechanisms in
                       Aedes Mosquitoes; and Community Perception on The Use of Household Insecticide Products
                       Penyelia : Dr. Chen Chee Dhang / Dr. Low Van Lun
               9.   Cecilia Chu
                       Tajuk Tesis : Diversity and Abudance of Fish Larvae in The Klang Strait in Relation to Anthropogenic
                       Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Ng Ching Ching / Dr. Loh Kar Hoe
               10.  Chin Kim Ling
                       Tajuk Tesis : Antiviral Mechanism of Resveratrol Against Zika Virus: The Role of The Isg-Linked HMGB1
                       Penyelia : Professor Dr. Sazaly bin Abu Bakar / Dr. Nurhafiza binti Zainal / Dr. Sam Sing Sin
               11.  Chong Soon Weng
                       Tajuk Tesis : Electrophoretic Deposition of Amine-Functionalized TiO2 Incorporated with Graphene
                       Oxide for High Photovoltaic Performance in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
                       Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Juan Joon Ching / Dr. Leo Bey Fen / Ir. Dr. Lai Chin Wei
               12.  Laveet Kumar    (Pakistan)
                       Tajuk Tesis : Model Development and Real Time Experimental Investigation of A Solar Industrial
                       Process Heating System
                       Penyelia : Professor Ir. Dr. Nasrudin bin Abd Rahim / Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman
               13.  Lye Ying Ling
                       Tajuk Tesis : Occurrence of Sulfonamide Antibiotic, Microbial Community Structure, Bacterial Lineages
                       with Sulfonamide Resistance and Their Development of Resistance in Anthropogenic Impacted Larut
                       River, Malaysia
                       Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Bong Chui Wei / Associate Professor Dr. Chai Lay Ching
               14.  Mathew George    (India)
                       Tajuk Tesis : Development, Characterization, and Simulation of Nano Enhanced Phase Change 
                       (NEPCM) for Low Concentrated Photovoltaic Thermal Applications
                       Penyelia : Professor Ir. Dr. Nasrudin bin Abd Rahim
               15.  Md.Shalauddin    (Bangladesh)
                       Tajuk Tesis : Biopolymer Based Nanostructured Carbon Nanocaomposite for The Electrochemical
                       Determination of Some Commonly Used Painkiller Drugs
                       Penyelia : Professor Dr. Wan Jefrey Basirun / Professor Dr. Mohd Rafie bin Johan
               16.  Mohammed Moinul Islam    (Bangladesh)
                       Tajuk Tesis : Experimental Investigation and Performance Analysis of Nano Enhanced Phase Change
                       Material Based Photovoltaic Thermal System
                       Penyelia : Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman / Professor Ir. Dr. Nasrudin bin Abd Rahim
               17.  Muhammad Talha    (Pakistan)
                       Tajuk Tesis : Single-Phase Grid-Connected Pv Inverter with Improved Low Voltage Ride-Through and
                       Constant Power Output
                       Penyelia : Professor Ir. Dr. Nasrudin bin Abd Rahim / Dr. Siti Rohani binti Sheikh Raihan

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