Page 144 - MOADIM
P. 144
Shlomo Hamelech completed the construction of the Beit Hamikdash on moadey heshana 5 # 26347-EYAL-6
Sukkot. Just as everyone is adjured to sit in the sukkah, regardless of his
financial status, so did he rule Am Yisrael feeling united with the people.
Only kings of the Davidic dynasty were permitted to sit in the Beit
Hamikdash, since Hashem’s Name is included in theirs. Everyone else,
including the kings of Israel, was compelled to stand. Why, then, did
Shlomo Hamelech refrain from sitting in the Beit Hamikdash? He wanted
to teach Am Yisrael that royalty belongs to Hashem. Only with explicit
Divine permission, would he sit.
Shemini Atzeret hints to the number eight, which denotes a level above
the laws of nature. The words and have the same letters. Both
Shemini Atzeret and the Jewish soul are beyond nature and endure