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 This was the case with Elisha ben Avuyah, who saw someone fall to his                          5 moadey heshana  teaching a person to serve Hashem with all his might. A combination of
 death while performing the mitzvah of shiluach haken.In contrast,we                                              both these words produces the word      . One should not forget the
 demonstrate how joyful we are to perform the mitzvah of taking the Four                                          essence of these exalted days, when we can gain closeness to Hashem and
 Species, even though we do not understand it.                                                                    reinforce our connection to His Torah.
 Hashem will test the gentiles with the mitzvah of sukkah. Why precisely
 this mitzvah? The word  is numerically equivalent to ninety-one, as
 are the Names         and    , when combined. The initials of the
 phrase  , adding one for the rule of kollel, also equal ninety-one.
 Will the gentiles perceive Hashem’s Name in the sukkah or not? Their  What is the connection between the sukkah and the Four Species? Why
 disdain of the sukkah shows that they cannot.  didn’t Hashem command us to take Four Species on Pesach? And why
                   are we adjured to begin building the sukkah immediately after Yom
                                                                                                                  “Now Hashem has fulfilled His word that He
                   After Yom Kippur, one is liable to feel a spiritual setback. Occupying                         spoke, for I have risen in place of my father,
                   oneself with building the sukkah, in commemoration of the Clouds of                            David, and I sit on the throne of Israel as
                   Glory, will enable him to extend the Yom Kippur experience to the
                   following days. Building a temporary hut drives home the fact that one is                      Hashem spoke, and I have built the Temple for
                   in this world for only a brief time. This encourages him to maintain his                       the Name of Hashem, G-d of Israel”
                   teshuvah.                                                                                                                                (Melachim I, 8:20)

                   The initials of the words          spell the word   (chair). During
                   the days between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, one connects to the Heavenly
                   Throne, drawing spiritual abundance upon himself for the entire year.
                   There are four days between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, alluding to the four
                   “legs” of the Merkavah, which are the three Avot and David Hamelech.
                   One connects himself to them as he builds his sukkah.

                   We take Four Species on Sukkot as opposed to any other festival because
                   they signify the unity of Am Yisrael, as they correspond to various parts
                   of the body. When one takes them, he affirms his desire to live in harmony
                   with his fellow Jew and dedicate both his physical and spiritual organs to
                   the fulfillment of Hashem’s will. Thus, he continues on the path he began
                   on Yom Kippur.
                   Why are we instructed to take specifically these species? It is a Torah
                   mandate which we cannot understand. The Satan makes us slip up by
                   confronting us with things we do not understand, undermining our faith.
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