Page 3 - 00 Salarios y Beneficios
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It is with great pleasure         new         government           environment.  In  some
        that        SYSPE/Index           provisions that are part         ways,  human  beings
        Juarez  welcomes  you             of  the  workforce,  their       seek  three  key  factors
        to the 2023 Salary and            needs                 and        for  their  sense  of
        Benefits Sample II.               requirements  towards            belonging              and
                                          a    more     globalized         motivation allowing us
        This  is  a  joint  project       world,  which  results           to  boost  stability  and
        with  the  83  plants             will  be  reflected  in          roots  of  our  human
        representing  it.  This           productivity.                    capital,    facing     the
        project      has     been                                          changing challenges in
        carried       out       in        The Users of this data           the     local     maquila
        accordance  with  the             will have to implement           market.
        data  provided  by  the           work           dynamics
        participating       plants        towards      the      new        These  factors  are  of
        that shared their Salary          challenges  evolving  in         interest  to  our  Index
        and              Benefits         talent        acquisition        Juarez          Directors,
        information with us, as           strategies,  and  in  the        President  Lic.  Sergio
        well     as    additional         digitalization          of       Colin     and     Director
        information      for   the        concepts  such  as  4.0          Martin  Flores.  These
        common  good  of  our             Human        Resources,          key  factors  are  the
        work  as  leaders;  this          Forecast  Analysis  and          main  promoters  for
        will  allow  us  to  learn        Artificial Intelligence in       your  company  to  see
        more  about  the  trends          their         processes          state-of-the-art  growth
        that  we  present  in             making their role more           with                 these
        terms  of  our  Human             efficient  in  their  clear      implementations.
        Capital       in     each         and  updated  vision  of
        department, as well as            emerging labor trends.           We would like to invite
        to  use  it  as  a  market        We are aware that this           you  to  consider  this
        tool to make better job           information  will  drive         valuable tool as a basis
        offers  enabling  us  to          the  decisions  in  the          for your organizational
        acquire and enrich key            competitive                      growth.
        positions      for     the        environment,       which         You can count on Us!
        development  of  our              results are reflected in
        processes.                        Human  Capital  in  all          Sistemas y Servicios
                                          categories,        Direct,       Profesionales
        The main driving force            Indirect,                        Empresariales
        is to address statistics          Administrative,       and
        to enrich our positions           Staff.                           “SYSPE”
        with  labor  flexibility,
        since  in  the  last  few         Salaries lead the way in
        years,     requirements           the      retention      of
        from  the  candidates             personnel,
        and  the  market  have            professional
        been  changing  with              development, and work
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