Page 7 - 00 Salarios y Beneficios
P. 7

Contenido /  Contents

       The contents of the November 2024 survey provide a vision of the status of the 474
       positions that we have in the various departments, which are identified per
       department, position title, and description of duties in English and Spanish. This
       allows us to analyze the market against our internal positions in each case, both to
       mediate the internal and external structure.

              Parque/Park Plantas/Plants

     Aeropuerto/North Gate              7
                   Bermúdez             11                     Tamaño/Size        Plantas/Plants
          Fuera de Parques              16                            1-500             39
                           Jis          23
               Juárez-Gema-                                        501-1000             15
                   Fernández            12
             Omega-Fuentes              10                            1001+             29
                   Rio Bravo            4

      Giro/Manufacturing Plantas/Plants
                   Arneses           5
               Automotriz           14
                  Eléctrica          8
         Electromecánica             3
               Electrónica          15
                 Empaque             6
              Manufactura            7
                    Medica           7
          Metal-Mecánica            12
                    Moldeo           6
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12