Page 126 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 126

works? What power Jesus has to over throw the exchange
        tables? What power Jesus has in stopping the sale of sacrificial
        livestock in the Temple? How dare he (Jesus) talks about fall of
        the Jerusalem Temple? How dare that he refers to the Temple as
        ‘Abba House’ when it is a place of finding forgiveness through
        cultic sacrifices only?  These questions seem to pave way for an
        unholy nexus between the power centres of the Temple namely
        Chief priests, Pharisees, and others, along with the power
        centres of the Roman state namely Pilate.

        Jesus's Attention

               Jesus did pay attention to people’s conversations in
        the region about the Jerusalem Temple as a house of prayer,
        forgiveness, healing and hope of resurrection. People’s
        conversations are juxtapose to the power centres that project the
        Temple as a place of selling and buying forgiveness; everything
        mediated through cultic sacrifices, cultic sacrifices alone. The
        power centres started breaking ethical code towards fellow
        brothers in the act of coveting the neighbour’s wife. When John
        the Baptist questioned the power centres of violating ethical
        code, he was ruthlessly murdered. The discussion about John
        the Baptist is alive in the conversations of the people.
               When the power centres questioned Jesus about his
        authority to teach, to converse and to act, he posed a counter
        question pointing to John the Baptist, who presented way to
        forgiveness through repentance and baptism in water. Jesus said
        to them, “I will ask you one question; answer me, and I will tell
        you by what authority I do these things. Did the baptism of John
        comes from heaven, or was it of human origin? Answer me”
        (Mark 11: 30). The Temple power centres afraid of the crowds
        who believed that the baptism of John was from heaven. Such
        a shift is liberative from the power centres and market forces to
        find place for forgiveness, experience healing and resurrection,
        in life affirming relationships, and not in Temple sacrificial cult.
        Now the mist is gone. I can see where my salvation rests. It is in
        my Lord with the people. In such a relationship one experiences
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