Page 125 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 125
in the episode of Jesus’ crucifixion. It looks like unholy nexus for
it stands against the idea of greater common good through their
determination to burry Jesus for ever, erase his memories from
the face of earth.
My interest in greater common good, in Jesus, that
compels me to pay attention to the power nexus and conspiracy
in Jesus’ crucifixion where the air is stuffy and stinking. The
greater common good is an invitation to overpower every
unholy power nexus. It reminds me of the time when I was
walking on the river backs of Narmada along with my friends
Allice and Khaipu. As we started walking for some time, both of
them started vomiting because of the foul-smelling of Narmada
river. The back waters submerged huge tracks of land and
livestock turning once living waters into a heap of dead animals
and pollution. It is absolutely a difficult task to smell the stink, to
drink the red coloured Narmada river water. An unholy nexus
has power to chock the breath of the living. I am compelled
to pay serious attention. What is the source of courage in me?
What is the source of courage of the narrators of the gospels?
Jesus can’t be buried for ever under the ground. His disciples
can’t be contained by any kind of detentions. Resurrection is
awaiting if only the path to forgiveness is chosen.
Jesus himself had narrated story of resurrection in the
Temple of Jerusalem. A close conversation between the Chief
priests and Pharisees reveals it. One fine day Jesus entered into
the Jerusalem city along with huge mobs who shouted Hosanna
(Matthew 21). It was a very big disturbing event unwarranted
by the power centres of the Pilate. The Pilate palace is engaged
discussions asking who is this man? The Pilate’s palace seems to
suspect Jesus as a Zealot, a rebellious section in the society that
demand dethroning of the Roman empire.
Similarly, entry of Jesus into the Temple is yet another
event. The Chief priests, Pharisees and other power centres of
the Temple are seriously discussing Who is he? Their discussions
veered around Jesus’ exercise of power in the Temple. What
power Jesus has to stop the workers at the Temple construction
Lenten Meditations Re - Imaging People