Page 120 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 120
Every individual plays multiple roles in one’s life. Roles
are defined by our existence as ordinary human being, our
associations with religion, placing oneself in faith system, in
terms of possessions and social positions. Joseph of Arimathea
displayed a pro-Jesus behaviour in all the roles he inherited.
While occupying different positions, many a times we forget
that we are fundamentally human beings. Mostly, the human
element of individuals comes as last component of consideration.
Joseph of Arimathea exhorts us to do the opposite. His example
compels us to consider the dignity of suffering humanity as
vital. While religion helps people mould their life, its wrong
application pause a threat in decision in social interactions. As a
Jew, keeping the Sabbath pure was imperative whereas touching
the corpse polluted the person. Joseph dared being polluted
that he took the body away from cross. A pro Jesus religious
observance is expressed in Joseph of Arimathea.
Many belong to the group of disciples who would
follow when everything is fine and leaves when things go
wrong. This secret disciple was present in the crucial hours of
Christ event. One’s availability when no one is there proves the
real discipleship. Wealth brings in much privilege. For Joseph,
owning a tomb in town was his mark of wealth. He turned it as
an offering for the body of Jesus to be kept. To let go ones wealth
for the salvific mission is noteworthy. The public acceptance one
acquires by virtue of one’s social positions is purposefully being
hidden on faces of difficult situations. Joseph meticulously used
his influence. Ignoring adverse responses he claimed the body
of Jesus so that he could offer an honourable burial. The voice
of someone in position can bring visible impact on community
God our heavenly father, you have placed us with various
responsibilities. While being faithful to our calling, help us to
keep a pro Jesus approach in everything we do. We ask this in
Lenten Meditations Re - Imaging People