Page 122 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 122



                                Matthew 27:62-65
          The next day,that is,after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees
         gathered before Pilate and said, “Sir, we remember what that impostor said while he
         was still alive,‘After three days I will rise again.’ Therefore, command the tomb to be
          made secure until the third day; otherwise his disciples may go and steal him away,
         and tell the people,‘He has been raised from the dead,’and the last deception would be
         worse than the first.” Pilate said to them, “You have a guard[a] of soldiers; go, make it
                             as secure as you can.(NRSV)


               I was observing discussion between Pilate, Chief priests
        and Pharisees. They are seriously discussing about someone
        who is portrayed as a ‘impostor’ without mentioning the name.
        I am sure that they are very angry with that person. They took
        enough caution not to take his name on their lips. The Pilate
        being head of the Judean province allowed the Chief priests
        and Pharisees, who use to be his critiques, into his palace.Why
        Pharisees are enraged against that man? They remember that
        man from the past- what he said, what he did, what he stands
        for, and they portrayed him as an impostor.Why their anger is
        not quenched even after the death of that man? The Pharisees
        along with the Chief priests want the ruler of the province to
        take strong measures to tighten security to the tomb of that man.
        It is not just for a day or two, but for a period of three days. They
        are accusing the disciples of that man as liars,thieves,deceivers
        and enticers,who are depicted as damagers of reputation of the
        authorities by propagating ‘dead man alive.’ Is it an accusation
        without political malice?


               Pharisees seems to be wanting Pilate, the head of the
                        Lenten Meditations   Re - Imaging People
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