Page 118 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 118

way, he was buried in the Jewish way. In fact the human race
        offered Jesus a manger at his birth and a tomb at his death.
        Regarding the funeral of Jesus, Jesus being surrounded by a
        multitude around him on many occasions, ironically, we find
        a stranger like Joseph and secret disciple Nicodemos and a few
        women to perform the last rites. The body of Jesus had to be
        begged and was at the disposal of a human authority. Like his
        trial, the funeral also was performed in haste. There are two
        explanations to this haste. One is sanitation, according Roman
        law. The other being defilement according to the Jewish law.
        As the day was a preparatory day, ie, the day before Sabbath,
        for a strictly observing Jew, a body on the cross would defile
        the Sabbath. According to the Jewish law, even the body of a
        criminal should not be hanging all night, rather had to be
        buried that day itself.(Deut.21;22,23) further it is  particularly
        compulsory when the following  day is a Sabbath.

        Joseph the Human being
               The intervention of Joseph of Arimathea is significant
        on  many  grounds.  According  to  the  Roman  law,  relatives  of
        criminals can claim the body, and if there is no relative to claim,
        it is ‘simply left to rot until the scavenger dogs dealt with it’. In
        Jesus’ case, a relative to claim the body and to have a tomb in
        the city were impossible. In such a context, Joseph’s role was
        very important. Probably he knew that if not get involved, the
        body would otherwise be thrown in to a common grave. His
        intervention   prevented such a disgrace  to the body of Jesus.

        Joseph the Jew

               In the Gospel narration, Joseph is presented as a Jew
        from the Jewish town, living in fear of Jews. His actions show
        his awareness of Jewish commandments on keeping Sabbath
        pure (Deut.21: 22, 23).That could be the reason for bringing the
        body down before Sabbath begins. But there was the Levitical
        command on purity, that touching the corpse defiles a person.

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