Page 114 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 114
Communities with dualistic ideals as it's lived experience
threaten the Empire. Nicodemus could navigate between two
world views, both geographically and theologically. We do not
have any record of Empire conspiring against Nicodemus.
This enables us to understand how dual natured
communities and identities prevailed without any hinderance at
a given historical context. Within this limited space Nicodemus
engaged in a conversation that not only challenged him but also
unravelled how communities existed beyond the perview of
military regime.
Ambiguity as resistance
Conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus was
dynamic in nature. The point of focus is they had a conversation
within the jurisdiction of the Empire, in a way forging the
Empire completely. What won at the outset is The Conversation,
what failed was the Empire. Nothing could stop either of them
from having such a conversation.
Nights are unacceptable, nights are mysterious, nights
are filled with secrets and challenges, finally nights are deceptive,
yet important themes like; Birth, life in spirit, things of the world
and heavenly things, were spoken. In verses 13-15, Jesus' words
reflect ambiguity, Nicodemus at that point in conversation
remains mute, which could be a sign in itself, Sign to an ideology
that was conceived with notions that would topple the assumed
world ruled by the Empires known, Unknowable and yet to be
Nicodemus is beyond historical judgements, Nicodemus
was a wisdom from the ancient world who engaged dynamically
with our Lord.
Lenten Meditations Re - Imaging People