Page 111 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 111

testimonies about the crucified Jesus are challenging the Empires
        of the State and the Religion. The very false accusations for which
        they crucified Jesus are exposed and countermanded. In the
        words of the Centurion, Jesus is acquitted and simultaneously the
        State and the Religious Empires are convicted and condemned
        for crucifying Jesus. The Centurion, in spite of being the subject
        of the State Empire, was able to openly acknowledge that Jesus
        was innocent and was truly the Son of God.

        Encountering the cross experience in Lent
               In the Indian context we are witnessing growing
        Hinduthva religious fundamentalism, intolerance and
        corruption.  Caste, Class, and gender discrimination is rampant.
        Often the Christians as church and individuals are caught up
        in situations where they have to encounter the Empires of the
        State and the Religion and succumb to the lure of aligning with
        the Empires of State and Religion including the Church, within
        and without for fear or want or greed at the expense of faith
        in Jesus. Climbing up the social ladder and self-gratification in
        maintaining class, caste and gender discrimination are part of
        the Empire politics that oppress the vulnerable.

                A Christian needs to undergo the cross experience
        along with Jesus to resist and overcome these lures and powers.
        Encountering and experiencing the cross led the early church
        to publicly profess faith in Jesus and embrace martyrdom.
        The  Centurion’s  re-imaging  experience  helps  us  to  re-image
        ourselves to profess our faith publicly in socio-cultural, political
        and economic spheres of our life. This is the cross a Christian
        must bear for the message of Cross is the power of God to those
        who are being saved (I Cor.1:18).
               It requires the close proximity to Jesus on the cross. It
        also calls for sincere commitment to faith, vocation, profession,
        business or duty in the family, church and society. Such witness
        sustains faith and sheds the gospel light. Constant participation
        in the sufferings and death of Jesus is intrinsically related to
        acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God. These two dimensions
                        Lenten Meditations   Re - Imaging People
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