Page 113 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 113


                          Ambiguity as Resistance

                                  John 19: 38-42

             icodemus dares to meet Jesus in the darkest hours and dares
        Nto ask him the darkest questions disclosing  Nicodemus
        ambiguous personality. What is ambiguous about Nicodemus?
        Nicodemus' recognition about Jesus and his conversation
        with Jesus is contrary to his religious office, political power
        and  social  positioning.  On  one  hand  he  acknowledges  Jesus'
        capacities on the other hand he belongs to the office which is
        in a way opposite to Jesus' ideals. Nicodemus is self identified
        by the author of the gospel as a person with dual citizenship,
        he belongs to the Roman ruled world and also he engages with
        the world that Jesus was advocating through his teachings and
        signs. In a context where the Empire expected absolute loyalty,
        here is a man who is both in the premise of the Empire and also
        in the venue that is trying to counter the Empire. The meaning
        of Nicodemus is " Victory of the people" Which itself is Ironical
        in nature. I intend to reflect Nicodemus on two grounds.

               Firstly, Nicodemus' ambiguity discloses, a part of
        johannine community that is ambiguous in nature. Secondly,
        Ambiguity as a tool to resistance.

        Ambiguous community

               Johannine community is ambiguous in nature. Scholars
        agree on the plurality Of the community from which the gospel
        is derived. Empire then and now dwell on the ideal of "mono",
        it thrives on a singular notion of identity and community, The
        "Mono" as the driving principle, Though plurality is actual,
        Empire as such would operate above plurality.

                        Lenten Meditations   Re - Imaging People
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